@Beat Kaufmann said:
I worked hard on a... Chamberstrings - Dimensionstrings - demo ... and of course without MIR.I used the same piece of music and played it with the Chamber library, with those of the DS-library and also with...
I used the same mixer, the same output Bus/Effects...
... and
here is the result:
All the important matters are explained in the video. Press "pause" for a better reading of all the context information.
Keep in mind that this is a comparison of the sounds of all the libraries.
So the video doesn't show for example the huge flexibility of the Dimension Strings compared to the other libraries - specially in connection with MIR.
Finally the whole piece - now with a recorder as well: Telemann, D-Suite for Viola
With all your demos I make out that obviously the library is used as we are using the chamber- or orchestra library.
So my questions
Can you publish a DS-Demo ...
A) ...which shows all 8 violins individual triggered or even played with individual articulations?
B) ...which shows the difference "single triggered / multiple trigered" and/or "one articulation for all/ multiple articulations?
C) ...which uses this multiple technique with the whole orchestra?
Thanks in advance
I would like "unison-ensemble-demos" of DS which ares playing not very precise and more individual than the chambers do ...the promissed main advantage of DS - so to say.
Therefore I am interested in a piece of orchestra, played with DS with the possible individual play of each player.
That's the sound I would like to hear now but with the whole orchestra.
Beat, it could be that you don't know until now that you have a Ferrari but you always drive it only with 30km/h 😉
I want to know the real potential of the DS-Library. That's why I'm asking for the demos above.
All the best.
About the "Ferrari for shopping": Each articulation seems to come 8times or more with DS (one for each player) in case of the violins.
But it seems to me that you only use them as one sound. So, having tonnes of samples on board but only using them always as one sound brought me to the comparison with the Ferrari and 30km/h... maybe a bit a daring comparison, sorry, but it probably contains a core of truth.
Now you posted 4 pages and I didn't get a demo...
I don't want to discuss about libraries and effects...
I only hope to listen to a string piece which contains obviously the big advantage of the Dimensions: The individual play of each musician in unison.
I would like a demo...
I don't want to discuss libraries, techniques, effects,
I only would like to get a DS orchestra demo
played with the individual trigger mode,
please, please please!!!
A link is enough
words words words but obviously no demo.