I find it takes a lot of work to get Dimension Strings sounding their best. A real string section has a different performance from each person, and I can't see a way to re-create that without recording a separate performance for each player. When I do that I think it's magical.
With a conventional string library, the natural variations amongst the musicians are already baked in. With DS that's not the case, so if you give everyone an identical MIDI track, it can sound like an orchestra of robots, as you are eliminating the natural variations between the players (such as timing, tuning and dynamics).
The Humanize controls are fantastic time-savers and the results are very impressive, but I think the best way to reproduce the sound of individual musicians is to record separate performances.
I'd love to get a Dimension orchestra together, with a different person playing each musician's part and see what it sounds like. I'd imagine it could be awe-inspiring.