In a fast part I could chose spiccato for 4 players and staccato for the other 4 players - this combined with multiple triggering could give an even more real ensemble sound.
What do you think?
Of course, this would be possible, but doing so in general would lead to a such huge amount of work, that it in the end might be cheaper to hire a chamber orchestra to record one's music...
In fact, the individual players sound so different from each other, that it is not necessary to use different articulations. Best way probably is to copy one miditrack for multiple instruments, then hear each player solo'd. When an articulation sounds odd at a specific point, use another just for that individual player.
I made a short example to demonstrate the different sound of the 8 violins - you hear the same phrase played by each of them seperate, then all 8 together. It's all dry whithout any reverb added, so you can apply your favourite room.