...No, not unless I learn of any instance where Bach or Beethoven scored 8 different articulations for 8 violins playing in unison. Which they never did, because it would be bizarre.
I see, we probably do not speak about (mean) the same thing.
The way I play with samples
When I produce a piece of music I don't use the samples because of their names but because of their sounds.
So sometimes I chose spiccato instead of staccato just because it sounds even more "groovy" or so.
So if I understand DS the right way each player could play another articulation:
Transated to the production
In a fast part I could chose spiccato for 4 players and staccato for the other 4 players - this combined with multiple triggering could give an even more real ensemble sound.
What do you think?
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/