Hi BachRules
@BachRules said:
...When you mix Chamber with Solo, playing the same line, do you mix articulations? Your results sound great, of course, so if you are doing this, I'll maybe try it with DS.
As I mentiond above I do not chose articulations by name but by their sounds. And of course when I selected them for the chamberstrings I copy the "articulation controll notes" in a first step to the solo violin(s) but then I check the whole track again and often I change articulations...
Those who own full libraries can confirm that for example portato long/short notes not do have the same length with every instrument.
Nevertheless, I don't know any other libraries which are so compatible between instruments as those from VSL are.
I prepair each instrument in a way that it also could be heard as a soloist.I treat it so that it sounds as natural as possible - even if it is an "unimportant" instrument in the context.
This uses a lot of work and time but only the sum of all these little tweaks will lead to a good result.
If you know the Pareto-Rule "80% of the work is done within 20% of the time" then you know that the rest (20%) will need the other 80% of the time.
I normally try to find an acceptable compromise.
You probably know the demos of "Jay Bacal". Most of his demos seem to be 100% - jobs.
I need 1 day for 1min. music (for an orchestra with chamber size). incl. Mastering etc.
I don't know Jays average time value for 1 minute.