Thanks for posting the cello comparison Claude. I've agonised over this for ages as I have Solo, Chamber and Dimension Strings and looked for every way to get the best out of them all, singularly and in combination. More words I know, but I've settled on blending Solo and DS for a Chamber size template using Solo as the first chair. My reasoning:
1 I find the timbre of DS on their own to sound a little "squashed", particularly the Cellos. Putting Solo Strings in front of them restores some of the up front, raw sonic characteristic while DS provides the complexity and thickening. Note on MIR - Solo and DS seem to behave very differently in MIR, I need to set Solo much closer to the mic to get the blend.
2 With this combination I can build each section in two or three passes (Solo first chair then DS) to blur the attack and dynamics, a critical feature in giving the illusion of realism in my view.
3 With this set up I can move freely in and out of divisi as required.
There are parts of each library I particularly love (i.e.Chamber Cellos and Basses, DS Violins, Violas and Basses, Solo Violin and Cello).
Thanks for a very interesting topic, if I can find some time to make an exposed track with my set up I'll do it.