Hi all
I do not own the DS.
So I just produced a short piece for showing mixing matters and used the "Chamber Strings" Library and added two solo String instruments for each track - one with the original pitch and one pitched up - and I am very happy with the result.
Then I rembered that this could be a nice job for the DS library. How would it sound with DS?
But I must say I believe that I never heard such a DS-Demo... so I have no idea.
If I understand the right way: The Dimension Violins for example are coming with 8 solo violins which all could be played individual...
...but with all demos I make out that obviously the library is used as we are using the chamber- or orchestra library.
So my questions
Can some body publish a DS-Demo ...
A) ...which shows all 8 violins individual triggered or even played with individual articulations?
B) ...which shows the difference "single triggered / multiple trigered" and/or "one articulation for all/ multiple articulations?
C) ...which uses this multiple technique with the whole orchestra?
D) ...only using some algo reverb or no reverb. I only know the DS-Demos through MIR. Because MIR is an effect it could be that the DS sound completely new without MIR...?
Thanks in advance
I am not interested in divisi-demos (two or more different voices).
I would like "unison-ensemble-demos" of DS which ares playing not very precise and more individual than the chambers do (and without using MIR - if possible).
...the promissed main advantage of DS - so to say.
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/