Hello there,
It was only very recently that my equipments allow me to use intensively Dimension String. Until now, I mainly used it from time to time as a simple layer for Orchestral String (to give it more depth or granularity).
I took about an hour to do this short demo quickly. Sorry Beat, but I didn't create separate tracks for each cellos because I have other things to do this weekend [:$]. Anyway, you will find that the sound is very different and very interesting.
I agree with BachRules when he wrote :
You're talking about routing VI's separately, but I'm talking about routing violins separately. I can put the 8 Dimension violins in different positions in a virtual room (not MIR, since you don't want that), and they all reflect off the walls at different times, since they're in different positions, and the left and right mics in a virtual Decca-tree capture the sounds at different times. You cannot do this with Chamber, even if you route your VI's separately.
Important note: I used a MIDI track that Beat made with Chamber orchestra (Grieg Prelude from Holberg suite). To make a true comparison of both collection's musicality, it would have been nessary to take time to adjust velocities, legato transition, etc. In addition, some patches are not present in both collections (Tzigane, for example; the passage with Marcato at the end is wrong; sorry). Finally, to do justice to DS it would have been necessarely to use articulations on one string (G, A, etc.).
I put a slight reverb (that of VIPRO). I obviously did not use MIR here! (I think Beat is severe [;)] ) In fact, MIR offers in my opinion tools I need to build accurate spatial perception. Like any tools, they can be used with "bon goût" or not.
I see that the thread has lengthened since I started to work! I think we should do our best to maintain our good humor in all our discussions on this forum. [A]
I hope this little demo will still be useful:
[and sorry again for my bad english…]
Claude B.