Hi BachRules
Thanks for your answers.
But, dear BachRules, I am since 1975 in the midi business and since 2003 (power) user of VSL samples. So believe me, I know, what I'm looking for...
[quote=Beat Kaufmann]... I ... want to be free in adjusting the depth for each instrument... to my taste (by mixing the conventional way).
But as your Chambers don't allow you to do that, you overlook the obvious advantage provided by DS in that respect.
1. I could route every VI to another output within my DAW if necessary... (16 outputs, with my everday AudioInterface / 192 Outputs with my madi system).
2. You missed the context ... I gave this answer because I don't want demos "trough" MIR because I love to mix the conventional way and not with an automatic mixing system.
Unfortuately even more words and even less demos ... sad.
Once more
I don't want to discuss libraries, techniques, effects,
I only would like to get a DS orchestra demo
played with the individual trigger mode,
please, please please!!!
A link is enough
This seems to be an unrealizable wish...[:(]
Sorry my impatience.
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/