Hello again as well, Vlad.
Thanks for your kind response. Nothing against your favourite library and also nothing against your favourite room and mixing system.
Keep it, use it, love it.
All the rest is of course a matter of taste: distant orchestra, close orchestra - unfortunately discussions always end in this never ending "impass".
About the "Ferrari for shopping": Each articulation seems to come 8times or more with DS (one for each player) in case of the violins.
But it seems to me that most of the users only use them as one sound. So, having tonnes of samples on board but only using them always as one sound brought me to the comparison with the Ferrari and 30km/h... maybe a bit a daring comparison, sorry, but it probably contains a core of truth.
Once more: Watch the DS-video please http://www.vsl.co.at/videoplayer_mp4.asp?ID=304. from 04:30...
Now we changed 1000 words and I didn't get a demo...
I don't want to discuss about libraries and effects...
I only hope to listen to a string piece which contains obviously the big advantage of the Dimensions: The individual play of each musician in unison.
I would like a demo...because I never heard such a piece with the "Dimension" of DS.
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/