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  • Sorry for the incorrect terminology. My only excuse is that it used to be called legato threshold, but is now called interval threshold.  [:$]

    Anyway, as far as this discussion is concerned, if you set the Interval threshold as low as you can (around 5ms) it means that if there is a gap of less than 5ms, or even an overlap, the legato transition is triggered, if it is more than 5ms, you get a start note. Therefore it is pretty easy to avoid the transitions, as long as your keyboard playing is good enough to play legato when you want a legato transition, and not when you don't. However, the OP said that he didn't want this behaviour, so I'm only clarifying to clear up any misunderstanding.


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    @DG said:

    Sorry for the incorrect terminology. My only excuse is that it used to be called legato threshold, but is now called interval threshold. 

    Anyway, as far as this discussion is concerned, if you set the Interval threshold as low as you can (around 5ms) it means that if there is a gap of less than 5ms, or even an overlap, the legato transition is triggered, if it is more than 5ms, you get a start note. Therefore it is pretty easy to avoid the transitions, as long as your keyboard playing is good enough to play legato when you want a legato transition, and not when you don't. However, the OP said that he didn't want this behaviour, so I'm only clarifying to clear up any misunderstanding.


    Thank you for clarifying. It was mostly unclear to me just because I haven't worked with VI PRO before.

  • I should explain that one of the reasons I haven't found this an issue is that my custom presets have legato and sustain as the first two patches in the matrix.  The reason for that is the most significant musical decision about a single note you have to make is whether it is a new attack, or whether it is connected with legato to the previous note. So I want total control over that issue.  You might have a whole phrase of notes that are held for their whole lengths and very smooth but are still freshly attacked.  Or you might have a series of notes that are held similarly long, but are slurred together.  You need to have both legato and sustain articulations in your setup instantly keyswitchable.  Also, if one analyzes the number of musical lines that can be executed simply by switching between sustain notes and legato notes, sometimes it is entire compositions! 

    And so, the fact that switching to sustain accomplishes the shut-off of legato transitions, instantly,  and I always had access to that choice which is a very important thing to be thinking about - like is this a new downbow in strings?  or is it a new attack after a breath in brass? - as a result I never worried about using a separate controller to shut off legato. 

    This seems somewhat similar to manual vs. automatic transmissions in automobiles.  I tend to like clutches because you know exactly what your engine is doing... 

  • Then there's me who prefers riding the train. [;)]


  • Hi all, without wanting to reopen the can of worms that this debate became earlier in the year, I did want to add my own expereince because I suspect it is the same, similar or related to that of "iscorefilm".

    I'm working in sibelius with solo stings 1 extended and VI pro, and have struggled with just abut all combinations of staccato and slurs. I've been adjusting interval threshholds, turning slurs off, extending the release on sustained notes, shortening the length of notes in the sibelius inspector, writing semiquavers when I want a quaver, doing just about everything except finishing my score. And it still dosen't sound right (or even close to it).

    Is the short answer that even though in sibelius I can see what I want the score to look like, and I know in my head what it should sound like -  is it that I am expecting to much of VSL to reporduce it. ie, play a staccato note then play a start note on the first of the slur, and play the slurs evenly and smoothly? (tempo 100bpm. 12/8. slured passage is semiquavers so reasonably fast and triggering the fast legato patch). 

    I think I need to turn the interval patches off as they are not helping, but as I understand from this post I am not able to do this.







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    @scoredfilms said:

    However, every solution here assumes I either missed something or that there is a solution... yet those solutions are jimmy-rigged instead of a fix which would not conflict with any other variable to this problem.


    Yes, you are missing something, or you are deliberately ignoring the SOLUTION which was given you from more than one user. So here it is again from another user:


    To play a legato phrase after a staccato note you have to switch to stacc, play the stacc. note, swich to a sustain or portato patch, play the first note of your legato phrase, then switch to perf_leg and play the rest of your phrase.


    This is no workaround, but the way you are supposed to work in VI. This way you can freely choose, which kind of sound should begin your legato phrase, not only in your specific situation, but in all cases. Can your perfect kontakt library do that?


    By the way: even a real horn player cannot begin a legato phrase legato, because the term legato simply means, that the note has to be connected to the preceding note. As the first note of such a phrase does not have a preceding note to connect to, the horn player must decide what kind of attack he gives to that first note. You see, VI is exactly working kike a real musician in that case.


    Your request is to remove that possibility, what would limit the start of any legato phrase to just the sound of the legato starting notes (which are, as several users already pointed out, actually sustain samples).

    So, in short:

    You consider the VSL legato handling as a bug.

    I consider the VSL legato handling as a feature.

    DG considers the VSL legato handling as a feature.

    William considers the VSL legato handling as a feature.


    Sorry, but you are outnumbered by so far. Next topic.



    EDIT: Apologizes if this post sounds too rude, I was not aware that this thread had a second page, I wrote this reply after reading page 1.

  • Actually, not next topic, and you are both correct.

    This user is in Sibelius. As someone who does a fair bit of score prep, I can commiserate. Switching to sustain first then to legato is a small step for a sequencer, but a giant leap for notation. 

    Rangi, you are literally going to have to create your own Sibelius matrix where the legato patch has a sustain in the first slot, and then legato in the next, and then use "Sequence Map" as your axis control (in VIPro 2) so that the first note is always sustain and then subsequent notes are legato.

    Have fun with this.

    While I am a big fan of VSL, and slow to criticize unless I really feel like something is a major problem, it quickly became clear to me that no one over there actually tried their Sibelius mapping in context or this would have stuck out like a sore thumb.  




    EDIT: Addressed my reply to the wrong person. Apologies.

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    Hello Rangi and MOH!

    I am fully aware that legato following staccato without a rest in between in Sibelius is producing an unwanted legato transition. This is because notation programs keep the MIDI "Note on" message as long as the note value is by default. Please understand that we will not change the way the legato mode works because of that. By the way. There's a chapter in the "Optimizing Sibelius Playback" manual that deals with this (page 19). The manual can be downloaded from the MyVSL area under "Notation related".

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Andi!

    Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for your response. I am curious, was the solution offered in the Optimizing Sib Playback Doc pre-VIPro 2? Because the solution I suggested above (using Sequence Map) works 100% of the time without any further editing. Please forgive me for this criticism, but having to edit every single pre-legato note using the inspector is just far too difficult and time consuming to be practical, and changing the interval threshold just doesn't really work. I understand that this really is Sibelius's fault for making such a clunky note editing system. It's too bad because as a notation program Sibelius is pretty awesome. Perhaps VI (non-pro) can also include Sequence Map as a feature, and the definitons can be reworked so that everyone can do this. I can't imagine the hell you went through trying to work with Sibelius's incredibly complex playback dictionary.

    Thanks again for your time, and best for 2015.


  • Hello MOH!

    Although using the Sequencer Map option is a good idea, it will most likely not be used for future updates. This would demand completely new presets and sound sets only for VI PRO, which would be way too laborious. Apart from that it would confuse lots of customers who would have to choose between VI and VI Pro sound sets then. Also long notes would always be followed by a start note by design, which is not wanted.


    Vienna Symphonic Library