@scoredfilms said:
However, every solution here assumes I either missed something or that there is a solution... yet those solutions are jimmy-rigged instead of a fix which would not conflict with any other variable to this problem.
Yes, you are missing something, or you are deliberately ignoring the SOLUTION which was given you from more than one user. So here it is again from another user:
To play a legato phrase after a staccato note you have to switch to stacc, play the stacc. note, swich to a sustain or portato patch, play the first note of your legato phrase, then switch to perf_leg and play the rest of your phrase.
This is no workaround, but the way you are supposed to work in VI. This way you can freely choose, which kind of sound should begin your legato phrase, not only in your specific situation, but in all cases. Can your perfect kontakt library do that?
By the way: even a real horn player cannot begin a legato phrase legato, because the term legato simply means, that the note has to be connected to the preceding note. As the first note of such a phrase does not have a preceding note to connect to, the horn player must decide what kind of attack he gives to that first note. You see, VI is exactly working kike a real musician in that case.
Your request is to remove that possibility, what would limit the start of any legato phrase to just the sound of the legato starting notes (which are, as several users already pointed out, actually sustain samples).
So, in short:
You consider the VSL legato handling as a bug.
I consider the VSL legato handling as a feature.
DG considers the VSL legato handling as a feature.
William considers the VSL legato handling as a feature.
Sorry, but you are outnumbered by so far. Next topic.
EDIT: Apologizes if this post sounds too rude, I was not aware that this thread had a second page, I wrote this reply after reading page 1.