@BachRules said:
How is the perf_rep legato different from perf_legato?
Hi BachRules
The legato-articulation normally adds the sound between two different notes.
Let's assume you move from D to E without stopping to play. So will get a sound between the two notes which comes from valves, fingers or something else depending on the instrument.
All "perf-rep-articulations" ...
are different played notes which will be connected to each other with the same pitch.
I believe there are 8 different notes of the same pitch until the loop starts from new (need to check it once more).
The meaning is not to produce the "machine-gun-effect" which you will get when you are going to repete always the same sample several times.
If you don't have such perf-repetition articulations you can try to supress this machin-gun-effect by
varying the velocity >>> see and listen to an example here (No.33)
Now: Because you can play same-pitch-notes in different tempos you need to have different perf-rep articulations.
Those for a slower playing (legato/portato slow),
for faster speeds (portato fast/staccato slow)
and repetitions for the fastest play (stac fast/spic (strings)).
If you listen to the following articulation-pieces you will recognize from 00:29 - 00:42 those perf-repetitions.
and http://www.beat-kaufmann.com/VSL_New_VI_U/BK_Clarinet_Ctrb_Single_Instrument.mp3
BTW you also can make out the legato-connection-sounds between the fast played notes in the end of the pieces...
Here a further example with the cornet from 01:07 - 01:13
There are also repetitions with a fix speed.
They sound even more realistic but you only can use them with their recorded speed.
VIPro users can strech or compress them within a small range.
We also have 8 repetitions there. If you only use 4 reptitions there you press the key for the length of three notes and the last of the four desired notes will be played by the release sample.
Hope that cleared up all the expressions a bit