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  • No problems here, so far (Win 7). I had one VE crash though, but after a restart everything worked fine. But I will send a log file to the support if it happens again.

    thanks for the quick update!

  • Good to know. It seems to affect some systems only, what will it makes even not easier to solve the problem, I suppose.

    I've tried lot of different things, but I didn't it get to work here, so I have had to switch back to the older version.

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    @doubleattack said:

    Good to know. It seems to affect some systems only, what will it makes even not easier to solve the problem, I suppose.

    I've tried lot of different things, but I didn't it get to work here, so I have had to switch back to the older version.

    In case you have a typical example of an VI Frame using more CPU with the latest versions of VE Pro / MIR Pro compared to earlier ones,  it might be helpful to send it to VSL's support, with as many technical details as possible.

    Thank in advance!

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • I've already contacted vsl - support and gave them a list about the CPU consumption. Every VE PRO 2 instance took 1,5 % and it stacks up with every new instance. 20 instances = 35%, ways to much obviously.  But the task manager was showing different values[:O]  

    Now I wan't install the new update anymore on this system. After the last trying out the switch back was possible with system recovery only. The new features seems to affect general settings, since I've got suddenly the same heavy CPU consumption after installing the older MIR Pro version. After recovery all things went fine again, at this time 81 instances loaded with 4,1% CPU usage, playback at buffer 512 mostly 30% - 40% CPU usage.

    A crash dump from my try out was send to support too, maybe it includes some more information.

    Kind regards


  • Not 100% sure this is solved.

    I understand this could be straightforward: I.e. Yes I changed my project upon dim violas and I see voices push well over 800 in some passages (with a red dashed undocumented feature from which I can guess it is not good) But, I started noticing such after a sudden degradation in performance (99 and something % cpu with 5.3.+) and have never seen this before. In fact I was happily running my projects at 64 bits buffers and currently an increase to 4096 doesn't help at all.

    I recall being asked to update VI Pro in order to use dimension violas before attempt MirX in Mir something.

    Thanks, Help?,


  • The same is for me. Now I’m doing a string piece with dimensions and solo strings. 32 VIPro Instances only, and voicing jumps to 600+ with red dashed line sometimes starting at 50 voices. The piece is rather slow. I run it on Revodrive3 x2. For an experiment I’ve set buffer size at VEPro and Audio card to very high rate, and changed preload buffer size from 3000??? to default. Get better but still stuttering a lot. The CPU usage although is not very hi, around 30%. Thank you very much for your great job! Timo

  • Same here, lots of red bar even at low voice counts. Never acted this bad before,  I'm reverting back. I even get this build up latency now that starts and the more i play the longer the delay gets.  Clicking  when changing cells. Help!

  •  Just clarification, if the red bar inside VI PRO at the voice meter appears, the  hardrive streaming capacity is overextended.

    So this is not related to VE PRO per se.

    Keep in mind that even with SSD drives the possible voice amount is not that high when multiple audiostreams are forced exatcly at the same time. (burst voices)

    This might happen pretty often if you use dimension strings triggering all players simultanioulsy, further performing quantised chords with vel Xfade active, also fast movements of all players in unisono could be very demanding for hardrives.

    Best option is to set the preload buffersize of VI PRO to a higher value (don't mess this up with the buffer size of the audio hardare),

    and also distributing the sample content to different hardrives migt help.



  • Is it ok for all Dimension String Sec. to be in 1 dimension folder, or should they be split differently?

  •  If you have just one harddrive ofcourse it's OK to place them in one folder. If you want to distribute on multiple drives you have to split the content to different folders. For example Violins on one drive, violas and cellos on a second one.



  • I’ve found why I had 600 voices just for the Dim Strings + Solo.

       At first I used mostly leg. and sus. patches and all of them were slot Xfade with non vib, even though I didn’t use it, they as I understood, sounded virtually. I’ve delete them and voicing dropped down to 300.

    Than I turned vel Xfade off and they went down to 70.  I will finish this piece with vel Xfade on, it works fine for me, but glad that found the problem.

      May be I didn’t read manuals carefully, but is it mentioning somewhere that slot Xfade and Vel Xfade multiplying  voices in so many times?

  • Being able to fade between the different layers in realtime naturally means that all layers have to be playing. With x-fade disabled, the velocity layer can be chosen beforehand, depending on the played velocity.

  • Ok, this topic has quite changed...Anyway, back to the original topic: The problems on my window system are solved. I did some updates for Win 7 and gave the newest version of MIR another try - succesful. VE PRO 13045 + MIR 13043 is running smooth as all versions before. So problem solved!

    kind regards


  • Good to hear, Frank!

    Thanks & all the best,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • I've noticed that if I leave a project open, vienna will be running 4-6%, then I come back the next morning and  it's running at 40-60%, and then it's unplayable with major atifacts.  I have to then close and re-open vienna ensemble.  Not sure what's going on.  :/

  • Do you leave your system in hibernate modus over night? Does your system automatically looking for updates? ...there can be lot of reasons, but it sounds you have to look in this direction...


  • hibernation and updates are disabled.  Been using Vienna for many years now, never seen this before.