the first keyswitch (C#-2 if i remember right, doesn't matter anyway) triggers the "01leg" files, it means that if you go from a C3 to a C#3 you have to trigger that keyswitch just before hitting C#3.
And if you go from a C2 to G2, you'll have to hit the keyswitch, before hitting G2, that triggers the "07leg" files, because between C2 and G2 there are 7 semitones.
Of course it's very difficult to do that in real time [:D], there's an easy way which consists to use the legato tool bundled with the VSL concert guitar.
And if you go from a C2 to G2, you'll have to hit the keyswitch, before hitting G2, that triggers the "07leg" files, because between C2 and G2 there are 7 semitones.
Of course it's very difficult to do that in real time [:D], there's an easy way which consists to use the legato tool bundled with the VSL concert guitar.