Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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189,379 users have contributed to 42,657 threads and 256,768 posts.

In the past 24 hours, we have 2 new thread(s), 18 new post(s) and 67 new user(s).

  • Future Wishes and Bug Report

    Dear VSL-Team,

    when you Take a look at my Account, I think you agree I am a real fan of the whole Project; Especially as a non Pro Musician.

    But after all the time I have certain wishes. Just take a Look ...

    - Please offer a Vienna Key made of Steel. The Products are expensive but this plastic Key, which is breaking in 2 Parts after a while abselutely does not fit to what you offer.

    - Vienna Suite: I just miss a very nice Transient Designer for all your percussive Products in the Collection.

    - And finaly I want to compose im Vienna Ensemble 6 /Vienna Tracks/Vienna MIR Pro in 2014. I think everybody knows what ich mean by sayin "Vienna Tracks" ... a competitor for Cubase etc.

    - And i also would Invest in: Dimension Wood and Dimension Brass 2 and Strings 2 hopefully Consordino.

    Thats all.[;)] Trank you for Reading.

    BR Lars

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    @Another User said:

    - And finaly I want to compose im Vienna Ensemble 6 /Vienna Tracks/Vienna MIR Pro in 2014. I think everybody knows what ich mean by sayin "Vienna Tracks" ... a competitor for Cubase etc.

    - And i also would Invest in: Dimension Wood and Dimension Brass 2 and Strings 2 hopefully Consordino.

    I'm sure something is in the works already although I thought I read something about Dimension Woods wasn't necessary not needed due to the quality of what's already available but I could be wrong on that one[^o)]

  • I' m missiong mono I/O for VEP

  • Hi Jasensmith,

    I think they will do the cloud system one day like Adobe did it. It makes sense. But Adobe made a BIG mistake. They annoyed many users by dropping the Package Products. So users can not choose anymore. That Force is the wrong way!

    So I do Not agree in this completely. I want to own my Products. And I really hope that we will have the choice in the Future to BUY AND to RENT.

    And yes I want Vienna Tracks[H] .. as soon as possible ... Can not wait to see it integrated in VE Pro (hopefully 6)![:)]

    i think the release of Vienna Tracks will be the beginning of the biggest success periode of VSL. The only Danger I See is the Complete Price of all Software Packages. I own everything ... Even all roompacks, but I - as a Hobbyist - am a Little crazy [;)]. No one arround can understand my passion for VSL and that I spend so much money. [:D]

    BR Lars

  • Oh before I forget: Please integrate Celemony's ARA Technology![Y]

    Of some reason there are not many DAW Developers who have integrated this.

  • Ok, it is time for wishes again. 

    I as a dimension string user would like to have second violins from other libraries.

    So, please offer the Violins from Appassionata and Orchestral Strings as Single-Download-Sections. I would buy both. I don't need the rest of these Packages.

    And I am still waiting for Library Updates especially for the Recorders. There are a few distored sounds on the Keyboard.

    just an idea: ...

    ... I know this correcting - work eats time for so many Samples. So ... Maybe we could take actions if you allow us to change Samples by offering an Editor ... I really think this is another good idea to give the user a chance to get rid of these sounds until the Library Update arrives. This Editor should allow us to 1.) change Samples and 2.) to correct wrong tones, semitones on single keys and 3.) sometimes the Sound on a Key has a too powerful attack ... It sounds like BAM! when you play, so pleas allow us to Cut the attack on Single keys.

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    @Another User said:

    I would prefer to drop the dongle all together and go to an Internet streaming sytem where you could stream your samples from the Vienna Cloud.  

    Sorry it is not a very good idea, we are streaming form SSD, streaming from the Clouds is too slow.

    What I will see as an acceptable solution is a license check every one, two or three month.

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    @Cyril said:

    streaming from the Clouds is too slow.

    Cyril i must admit, I'm in complete awe.  Again you've stunned the audience with your amazing ability to point out the obvious[:'(]  Yes, Even the super servers that NASA uses couldn't handle the load that the heavy sample users would demand.  If you read my post a little further I also said, " this is all science fiction right now because I don't think the streaming technology is up to par to handle something this ambitious yet." 

    However I'm glad you brought it up because recently I've been having some reservations about this Idea and I can't really make my mind up.  Even if the technology was available what would happen if VSL goes belly up.  How would I access what I paid for?  If I wanted to sell my VSL stuff how would that work out.  What if your streaming VSL from a cloud but you're also using another company's samples that streams from a hard drive.  Would there be conflicts?

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    @LAJ said:

    ... I know this correcting - work eats time for so many Samples. So ... Maybe we could take actions if you allow us to change Samples by offering an Editor ... I really think this is another good idea to give the user a chance to get rid of these sounds until the Library Update arrives. This Editor should allow us to 1.) change Samples and 2.) to correct wrong tones, semitones on single keys and 3.) sometimes the Sound on a Key has a too powerful attack ... It sounds like BAM! when you play, so pleas allow us to Cut the attack on Single keys.



    Maybe I'm wrong on this but can't you edit the samples with VI Pro like time stretching, for example.  Or is that VE Pro?

    Where are you hearing "wrong tones?"  Which libraries?

  • Hi Jasen,

    no, afaik time stretching is not made for only one Key on the Keyboard, but for all. If not, please tell me how you can use this only for one Key on the Keyboard.

    here are a few examples ...

    (all examples refer to Repitition 1 in the Vienna Inst. PRO Player).

    1. Percussive Violin: For this check Dimension Violins / Player 1 - articulation SustainVi and Key A2 (and/or a half tone below) on the Keyboard. There's a too loud Start-Klick which does not fit in the context cause it is too loud. With an Editor I would cut it (but only on G#2 and A2)

    2. Sounds which do not fit in the context: For this you can check Dimension Trumpets Preset 11PTr P1  Compact pro / articulation SustainVi and play C#2 and D2 and then E2 and F2 ... you will hear the differences in loudness. Here I would like to exchange the 2 soft tones with an Editor.

    3. Sounds which are not in tune: this seems to be a Brass problem.

    ... test Flugelhorn and/or solo trumpet Bb ... and play:

    a) Flugelhorn: articulation SustainVi ... play F3 on the Keyboard and you will hear that the tone does not start with an F, but a halftone below (sounds like Legato). Same with FortePiano C#3 and D3.

    b) Trumpet Bb: Same issue like a) ... articulsations FortePiano or SFFZ ... play tones E3 and F3 

    4.) Or as mentioned Recorders Alto ... G#2 and A2 ... but that was already a topic in another tread and was confirmed by other users.

    I hope that helps to understand. But the focus on this thread is to find good solutions and 2 have good ideas. So let's not dicuss too much like in the "insurance thread".

    BR Lars

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    @LAJ said:

    Hi Jasen,

    no, afaik time stretching is not made for only one Key on the Keyboard, but for all. If not, please tell me how you can use this only for one Key on the Keyboard.

    here are a few examples ...

    (all examples refer to Repitition 1 in the Vienna Inst. PRO Player).

    1. Percussive Violin: For this check Dimension Violins / Player 1 - articulation SustainVi and Key A2 (and/or a half tone below) on the Keyboard. There's a too loud Start-Klick which does not fit in the context cause it is too loud. With an Editor I would cut it (but only on G#2 and A2)

    2. Sounds which do not fit in the context: For this you can check Dimension Trumpets Preset 11PTr P1  Compact pro / articulation SustainVi and play C#2 and D2 and then E2 and F2 ... you will hear the differences in loudness. Here I would like to exchange the 2 soft tones with an Editor.

    3. Sounds which are not in tune: this seems to be a Brass problem.

    ... test Flugelhorn and/or solo trumpet Bb ... and play:

    a) Flugelhorn: articulation SustainVi ... play F3 on the Keyboard and you will hear that the tone does not start with an F, but a halftone below (sounds like Legato). Same with FortePiano C#3 and D3.

    b) Trumpet Bb: Same issue like a) ... articulsations FortePiano or SFFZ ... play tones E3 and F3 

    4.) Or as mentioned Recorders Alto ... G#2 and A2 ... but that was already a topic in another tread and was confirmed by other users.

    I hope that helps to understand. But the focus on this thread is to find good solutions and 2 have good ideas. So let's not dicuss too much like in the "insurance thread".

    BR Lars

    Hi Lars,

    You should do a bug report at

  • Horror-Effects ...

    i would like to have them for dimension strings and dimension wood. You can already create them by pitching each Player/Sound in another "direction". But what I still miss is the "UUUUuuuuuuuii - Horroreffect" - this cruel pitched sound (sorry, but I don't know the word for these effects [:$] ). This one can't be created by Manipulation in the VI Pro Player. (If someone did this with success, please answer and explain the way ... [Y] )

    Of course just a few Samples of that, not a whole Package and no layers. I think one length that can be stretched shorter would he enough.

  • I forgot something ...

    PLEASE give us a dry/wet Button for parallele Compression. This Type of Compression is much nicer to real Instruments.

    BR Lars

  • Please change the Name of Neuer Saal to Berio Saal, cause that is the official name since the Season 2009/2010.


    ah ... before I forget ... Please give us a 3rd microphone for MIR.


  • I have new wishes:

    Boys Choir, Boys Solos and ... 



    At the moment it is great that the Downloadmanager is loading all the Samples, but it would be much better if you could give a link to the manager to even install everything by itself. Otherwise you have to sit and wait for each Instrument.

    BR Lars

  • Hi, There seems to be another Bug ... maybe someone else can take a Look to ... Stopped Horns 4er Version Take a Look at the Preset and Play Legato pLeg from F5 down to C5 (these Samples are hidden and have to be activated in Advanced Mode in Vi Pro) The Bug: you will not hear anything playing from E5 to D5 ... The Same Bug appears when you Play for example from F5 to H4 Please fix this. Thanks.

  • Another wish from my side ... Please allow us to put the Secondary Mic OFF in MIR X -Vienna Instruments . Thanks.

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    @LAJ said:

    Another wish from my side ...

    Please allow us to put the Secondary Mic OFF in MIR X -Vienna Instruments .


    Thanks for your suggestion!

    While this can be achieved easily in MIR Pro itself (... just switch off the Secondary Microphone), I can't see this happen anytime soon for MIRx. I know - never say never, but it would mean to re-export each and every IR-pair for each and every instrument, with an acoustic result which wasn't the one I was aiming for when creating MIRx' settings. It would make the handling of MIRx more complicated, and the size of each MIRx Venue would double.

    I'd say, this will stay a MIR Pro-exclusive feature. 😊 Thanks for your understanding!

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi all, today the final of the ESC (Eurovision Song Contest) will be visible on TVs. Since the Title "Rise like a Phoenix" was the Winnertitle from Austria, last year, this years Show will be Sent from Vienna. AND I HEARD ......... that a guy called Dietmar Tinhof was part of the success last year and is again involved in this years Show. I would like to read a little Story from Dietz about the planning this year and the success last year ... maybe in the Vienna backstage stories for June. to Dietz from my side: WOW! Herzlichen Glückwunsch für diese Leistung! BR Lars

  • Thanks for the friendly words, Lars! It's only three hours until the start of the Songcontest's Grand Final, so I think I have to post-pone a more detailed answer. (My vote would go for Latvia, but I guess that Sweden will win ;-) ...). Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library