I understand your situation.
@clamnectar said:
I need better tools for this! In fact, I would argue that each Dimension collection should have its own special version of VI Pro that simplifies many of these tedious operations into a simple GUI (for example, a single assignable parameter to change the number of players per voice, a single assignable parameter to change whether it's "regular" "open" or "force string," a velocity-fade style slider to change between vibrato and non-vibrato).
You are right, there´s always room for improvement. And real improvement needs very good consideration.
We have established the matrix system within one instance of our sample players, which let you arrange and switch between all kinds of setups (all the parameters you listed, actually) with a simple-keyswitch (alternatively, you can use Program Changes).
To change the number of players per voice, check out the Auto-Voicing feature described on page 39 of the VI PRO Manual, assignable for each matrix!
Here´s what we do: We are working with the existing, very complete and consistently composed presets that Herb Tucmandl has added to each collection, and you know that you can always modify those (ideally, always the same way).
If you´re working with VI PRO, you should use the dedicated VI PRO presets, that are working with useful VI PRO features already assigned in the Basic View.
Take advantage of the "Enabled/Disabled Cells" feature in VI PRO. The huge VI PRO presets come with disabled cells by default, and this way you also won´t miss an articulation (simply because you forgot that it is there, because you didn´t add it to your preset):
Click on a cell, this will enable it (load the samples in the background).
Right-click on a matrix (in the matrix list to the left), you can "enable" the whole matrix.
In "Settings" (the icon left to the Basic/Advanved View), you can also enable the whole instance and find additional options (like "Force Enabled Cells"or "Enable Cells on MIDI Activity").
Please see the VI PRO Manual for more information.
and check out the many video tutorials that also explain all the new features in detail.
Of course that should NOT keep you from creating your own presets, if you want to invest the time, but we do know how time-consuming it is to create a preset that fits your needs, for all instruments.
The undocumented feature described above should help A LOT with this task.
I am travelling quite a lot for VSL, talking to many users, and we´re also answering a lot of questions about Vienna Instruments (PRO) with our Support Team. From what I can tell, 95% of our VI PRO users don´t even scratch the surface of this powerful tool!
Please feel free to ask us questions, we´ll be happy to help with your setup. If you want to create unique presets, I strongly believe that our video tutorials will be a great source of inspiration!