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  • Pro Tools vs. Cubase vs. Pro Logic

     Hello my Friends

    What should i use for writing with VSL.

    I use since many Years Cubase. But i realy not satisfied with the Workflow, in particular with the Midi Composing.

     I have tried a lot of different kind of Handling, to write Music in Cubase. I try to do it like for a other real Instruments, by playing live Melodies and Harmonies and translate it later to VSL.

    But its all so tedious!

    One example:

    If you not(!) have all notes in the Quantise Grid (a.e. a real recordet midi Performance) and you wanna edit or add some Controller or Expressions, you have to zoom in the Grid and set the (Controller or..) Event by Hand! (so that it works fine)

    Or if you wanna shorten the Lenght of a Note, the associated Controller dosnt move (with "Automatic Controll Select" "on").

    I could Write a Book about this "Non Musician" Programm.

    Is there some better then the other DAWs?

    I would like to know, wether it would be better to change the DAW. (Use Cubase also (classic) Recordings)

    Thx a lot


    DS, DB, Cubase 6.5,

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    I don't think you'll find better midi workflow with Logic (I'ved used it for 6 years) and certainly not with Pro Tools.

    @ronaudio_13968 said:

    Or if you wanna shorten the Lenght of a Note, the associated Controller dosnt move (with "Automatic Controll Select" "on").

    Have you looked at note expressions?

    I use controllers with the note expression. The CC stays related to the note, you can time stretch a note and the cc will be scaled to the new length. You can overdub the CC data like you do with automation. You can copy paste midi data from note to notes. These fonctions really deserves to be considered.

  • Ey FredB...

    You are Great! When i made plans to use the (new) VSL, i recogniced this possibility, but forgot to check wether it would work better.

    You remindet me. So a lot of thx to you!

    But my English is maybe too small, cause i didnt understand what you ment with:

    " The CC stays related to the note, you can time stretch a note and the cc will be scaled to the new length."

    Do you mean the VI "Time Stretch Tool"?

     I already use it..

    again thx.

  • English is not my mother toung either so that's maybe why you did'nt understand what I meant.

    1-The continous controllers are attached to the notes,when you move a note, the controllers follows.

    2-Choose the object selection tool (the default one) and choose the option ''sizing applies Time Stretch'' (shortcut: press 1 twice). Now when resizing a note, the controllers will be extended or shrinked(?) according to the new note lenght.

  •  How i could forget this "Note expression"!? Maybe because i thinked it only works with Halion (VST 3), where i have tryed out one Time.

    There are so many usefull Possibiltys, (blame on me about Words over Cubase Midi Workflow).

    That makes Live mutch easyer...then i am right in my presumption, that VI is now a VST3? (you dont have to answer)

    Anyway a LOOOOOOOOT of thx. for your great Input!!


  • VI is not VST3 but it does'nt have to. Note expression works with standart controllers. Exept that with Halion VST3 you have more possibilities, like changing the VST3 volume of 2 different notes of a chord on the same instrument/midi channel. You can't do this with standart vst2 instruments, it as to be on 2 different midi channel. But you still have a lots of possibilities.

    BTW, not all VST3 instruments have been optimized for note expression. The only one I know is Halion.

    It took me a bit of time to really understand the note expression fonctions and possibilities but once I got used to, I could never live without it. I have tried editing controller in key editors lane, track automation and quick controls but I never liked it. I still use the automation lane for volume tough but everything else is on noteExp (velocity crossfade and other CCs).

    I suggest you check the note expression menu and add some key command to some usefull fonction like ''paste note expression data'' or ''convert to note exp''...

    And secondly, check in the key editor under the note expression tab you can select ''midi as Notexp'' and ''Overdub''. So when you press record and move i.e your modwheel, you will overdub the CC1 data.


  • thx. [:D]