Hello my Friends
What should i use for writing with VSL.
I use since many Years Cubase. But i realy not satisfied with the Workflow, in particular with the Midi Composing.
I have tried a lot of different kind of Handling, to write Music in Cubase. I try to do it like for a other real Instruments, by playing live Melodies and Harmonies and translate it later to VSL.
But its all so tedious!
One example:
If you not(!) have all notes in the Quantise Grid (a.e. a real recordet midi Performance) and you wanna edit or add some Controller or Expressions, you have to zoom in the Grid and set the (Controller or..) Event by Hand! (so that it works fine)
Or if you wanna shorten the Lenght of a Note, the associated Controller dosnt move (with "Automatic Controll Select" "on").
I could Write a Book about this "Non Musician" Programm.
Is there some better then the other DAWs?
I would like to know, wether it would be better to change the DAW. (Use Cubase also (classic) Recordings)
Thx a lot
DS, DB, Cubase 6.5,