This topic has gotten -far- more expansive than I intended. I don't dislike the current demos. I just think they could use some fresh partners. I happen to like the Spitfire demos and that's all I meant. No disrespect to Guy... whose sandals I am not fit to untie. That said, what constitutes 'creative' contemporary scoring is more John Adams and Phillip Glass than Korngold or John Williams and all that 'epic' comic book movie crap.
I think some of 'the pros' here do not have enough empathy for the unwashed masses. VSL -is- more difficult OOTB. If all you want is 'One Button 2001 MegaChord!' it's -way- easier with Symphobia. And frankly? That's all a -lot- of people want.. at least at the beginning. So there -is- a -steep- learning curve compared with other libs. With great power and all that... Now some people take to it easily, just as some people have a quick facility with, say, notation or ear training. As a teacher, it took me -years- to not scream at students who didn't find some skill as 'easy' as I -thought- they should. I figured -everyone- was basically not paying attention.
In short, some have to -work- at 'getting' it and VSL should take all necessary steps to reach out to users with -copious- examples.
I have asked Guy for MIDI on a couple of demos and he has always been gracious (and prompt) in helping me out. Which is -insanely- gracious.
I agree with the above comment about the 'processed' quality of other libs... VSL is the unvarnished truth. -However-, it never hurts to give people a -little- of what they want.
I think VSL is perceived as elitist and I think that's to the company's detriment. All it does is push the new generation (which is generally -not- as schooled in 'traditional' music skills) further and further away; in effect just giving them over to the 'construction kits' of the world. Far better, IMHO, to do what colleges now do... provide as much -remedial- service as possible and thus show users 'hey, this ain't so bad!', rather than just saying, 'come back when you have the basic skills together.' All that does is lose people (permanently) to the 'phrase generators' of the world.