I totally disagree with this post of Beat kaufmann. There is no "secret" - so Guy Bacos is keeping what he does a "secret"? That is ridiculous. There is no secret to VSL - it is simply a sound called the symphony orchestra. That is provided by the detailed samples, and you can use it any way you want. You can experiment with weird new combinations, you can emulate old orchestrational practices, you can emulate a specifc composer, whatever. So to say there is a "secret" is completely in error.
I have no desire to hide from people anything that ever sounded good in my music. Why? To feel like a big shot? I would feel small if I did that. If there are people who are actually doing that - they are seriously wrong, because what they believe is their secret is old news to anyone who has the same library.
Also, the conception that it is hard to make VSL sound good is absurd. It sounds incredibly good right out of the box. Just load an instrument and play it.
And Beat - you are wrong about using MIR - everything sounds the same? That is crazy. The venues are radically different in the four roompacks, and create a completely different sound, instantly. On top of that, you can tweak things if you want, and make more changes in the sound, and with the MIRacle additions there is even more variation. So how you can think that MIR makes everything the same is beyond me.