I want to do a series of overlapping swells using the Cym A patch crescendo samples.
So I play an A6 ( for about 2 bars) then immediately repeat the A6 without a break. I also adjust the release envelope so it has the maximum (slowest) release setting. The idea being the sounds overlap. However if I just have the first A6 note the sound caries on for over a bar beyond the end of the note, but when I have the repeat note the first A6 releases almost immediately so no overlap.
I have tried the same patches in both VI pro and VI and it is the same - there is no way to creat the overlap (well there is but it means changing articulations and transposing the second articulation so a different note plays the same sample). So the presence of a repeat note is somehow overriding the release time setting which is weird. No amount of changing the settings in VI-Pro can stop this happening - Ive tried release note off/on and poly off/on and all sorts of other things to no effect.
I tried another patch Tenor trombone 6" crescendo and this behaves as it should - there is an overlap if you increase the release time and play the same note again.
I wonder if this is a glitch in the programming of the Cym A patch - though I do remember encountering the same issue with other percussion patches.
Any ideas anyone?!