Hi Paul,
Thanks for the heads-up of the higher speeds. Unfortunately, it's still underwhelming. I've been downloading for over an hour now and it's just hit 2%. We're looking at over 2 full days to download the whole library.
I do see that you're up to 8 servers now and I'm sure VSL has put many man hours and considerable resources in the effort and I do appreciate that. I can't pretend to know the office politics of VSL (I know VSL likes to keep things in-house) but taking a look at using outside sources for this seems prudent - especially to meet expectations of first time customers. I think expectations are higher from a lot of people out there. For example, I was able to download Loegria from Spitfire via Continuata services in 3 1/2 hours. It was not a lot smaller than Dimension Strings.
Looking forward to an excellent library!