@Paul said:
We just need to catch our breath again to let the inspiration kick in 
I am getting huge inspiration from this incredible new library! I am doing a performance of my all-time favorite piece of film music using Dimension Strings and Dimension Brass and I just love the complex realism of the sound. The D strings are more than a new library release, They are another revolution in sound from VSL. I am noticing the resonance of each player is subtly richer from the presence of the other players on top of being different in each of their own sounds. Also, the humanize functions are fantastic in their effect. I am so excited by this I am having to force myself to take calm-down breaks. I think this is beyond anything VSL has yet done! Congratulations!
Thanks for the positive feedback regarding both Dim-Strings and Dim-Brass.
I could just imagine how amazing Dim-Strings will sound, when the full Dim-Strings is completed. (violas, Cellos, Basses) imho. this is the next generation of excellent tools from VSL, nothing short of revoultionary !