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  • Hi mc202vt,

    I am getting the distortion/clicks again. Not as bad as before, but my buffer workaround is no longer working for me, as it seems I am using too many instruments. 

    As mentioned by others, the issue is a CPU spike, so increasing my buffer size's gave my CPU enough head-room so that it wouldn't max out when tempo ramps occured. However, as I have been working on the same project, I am adding more instruments, some of which are synthesizers, which are using more of the CPU and causing the distortions to happen again.

    Fortunately I can afford to use tempo jumps in place of ramps for this particular project, but I will have to find a 'cure' before I start my next one.

    You can see from this screenshot that my CPU spike occured across all Cores, reaching about 77%.

    When I finish this project I shall do some testing and report back here with the findings (if any).

  • This is a big problem that no one seems to be addressing.  I have to export all my mixes as the problem is not in the export.  In real time I have issues with every tempo change.

  • I've done some more work on this.  IMO it has nothing to do with VEP but is a Kontakt issue (or Kontakt plus Cubase issue - I'm on Cubase 6.0.7).  It is really only a problem with complex patches, or for those of us with large templates where the effect is exaggerated.  

    I've finally come up with a simple repro that anyone who owns NI Komplete can test.  I'd love to hear if you can reproduce this in your host.

    Firstly, set your soundcard buffer as low as it will go to exaggerate the effect but certainly no higher than 256.

    Here is the repro (in Cubase for PC):

    1- Load up Cubase

    2- Open a new empty project

    3- Open up the tempo track (Control-T)

    4- Draw in a long tempo ramp over several bars (make sure the insert curve dropdown is set to 'ramp' and not 'jump')

    3- hit F11 and load up an instance of Kontakt

    4- load up 16 channels of the patch 'Scarbee Clavinet - Full.nki' from the Scarbee Vintage Keys library which is part of Komplete (I chose this patch because of it's complexity and because it is part of NI's Komplete.  There are plenty of other patches from 3rd party libraries that are equally complex and demonstrate the same effect - several of the 'combined' patches from Spitfire's Sable library come to mind)

    5- hit F12 to see the 'VST Performance Meter'

    6- Ensure that Kontakt is syncing to the host tempo by clicking the 'Master' tab (to the right of the 'Browse' tab) at the top of Kontakt, and checking the 'Ext' button  is lit yellow

    7- Move the transport to just prior to the first bar of the tempo ramp and push play

    8- watch the ASIO 'meter' go ballistic when it hits the tempo ramp. (Note, that nothing is actually playing)


    9- Switch off Kontakt's 'sync to host tempo' by clicking the 'Ext' button off

    10- watch the ASIO meter drop down to almost zero

    The lower the soundcard buffer is or the greater the number of complex patches there are in your template, the more exaggerated the ASIO spiking.  For those of us working in film and tv this issue is critical.  Avoiding tempo ramps and relying on tempo jumps reduces the frequency of the spikes / crackles / pops but doesn't eliminate the problem.  Simple patches with few groups/zones and little to no scripting aren't affected, only complex patches like the Scarbee clavinet patch but there are plenty of others.  Even if the patch is only moderately complex the culmative effect of many such patches (particularly if you are using Kontakt banks) adds up across a larger template..  

    I've left a support ticket with NI


  • Hey Brett,

    I can repro this problem here for sure. What exxagerates the pop/click in Kontakt is when any tempo synced effects are present in the patch (i.e. delays, etc) while in ext tempo sync. I score in TV/film and I am always dealing with a click where there is a tempo change. This serverely slows my workflow down ans sometimes, I'm not able to totally get rid of the noises this issue creates. I can never use a tempo ramp in my composing due to this.

    Definitely a Kontakt problem in Cubase, and NI has never responded to my support ticket of months ago. Guess I'll have to do it again.

    Keep us posted on any luck on your end.


    Mr A

  • For what it's worth, NI haven't responded to my first support ticket of 3 weeks ago, nor a second support ticket I posted 2 weeks ago.  So I posted a third support ticket yesterday alerting them once again to the first two tickets.  I've also posted on an existing thread similar to this one on the NI forums three weeks ago and have had no response there either.  

    Pretty shabby effort.  It's not as if I haven't done any leg work at my end. I can only hope that they respond to other devs like VSL quicker than ordinary paying customers like me

  • Yes Brett, NI did respond and asked for a video of what the problem is; they asked me to install some video capture software to do this and I'm not about to put something on my computer to do this. I really do need this problem solved and it is so easy to repro that I don't understand why they need me to do all of this for them. If only I wasn't so busy........

    Mr A

  • Ridiculous isn't it.  The repro takes 2 minutes...

  • I wish life didn't work this way but the squeaky wheel gets the oil...
    After a public prodding in their forum NI finally responded and have claimed they reproduced the issue.  I hope it's not a stock response because there was nothing in the email that was particular to my support request but fingers crossed, true to their word it has been reported to the appropriate team.

  • Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed that they get the hint and help us all out on this. Keep us posted.


    Mr A

  • last edited
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    @brett said:

    I wish life didn't work this way but the squeaky wheel gets the oil...
    After a public prodding in their forum NI finally responded and have claimed they reproduced the issue.  I hope it's not a stock response because there was nothing in the email that was particular to my support request but fingers crossed, true to their word it has been reported to the appropriate team.

    Awesome news....I have about given up that this would ever be fixed.

  • We're in October 14 now and still no progress on this EXT Sync Kontakt bug. I have submitted a video and an audio clip of the issue, as per NI's request. Not sure how it will give them any more data to solve the issue though. Brett's repor is so easy to do and so definitive.

    I'm finishing up a short animation project with 6 tempo changes on cuts to picture and eerytime I get a click. So dealing with this is just aweful and so slow.

    Brett, has Cubase been adequately informed of this situation? I know I submitted something to them as well a year back.....

    Best,   Mr  Anxiety

  • Yes...incredibly frustrating that this is not fixed.  I am fairly convinced this is VE PROs issue to fix as I am getting gliches with more than just Kontakt.  I suspect that this is a VE PRO problem when used with Cubase.  Try and do a tempo change with a "ramp" and you can almost see your VE pro computer explode.

  • Well, I'm actually thinking it is a Cubase (VST) issue in tandem with less than stellar scripting in Kontakt that's our problem. Other DAW users are not commentling about any issues...... Logic and DP, although they use AU not VST plugins.

    FYI - A workaround is increasing the buffer size substantially. This can at least get you past tempo jumps..... not sure about ramps though.

    It does need to get solved, and someone needs to just admit the problem and offer a solution... Steinberg & NI.

    Mr A

  • @ Mr A - I haven't filed a bug report with Steinberg as I'm quite sure it's a Kontakt bug.  There are similar threads I've participated in on VI and NI that seem to suggest this.

    @dplmusic - No, it's not a VSL bug.  If you try my repro above you'll see that whether or not you host Kontakt in VEP is irrelevent.

    I'd love users of other DAWs to report back but although I've posted this repro on the NI forum no one has reported back.

    I suspect that VI-heavy film composers are very much in the minority and so are a low priority to NI when it comes to bug fixes.  Squeaky wheel gets the oil and there are not enough of us to be squeaky...

  • This thread is so old that post you are referring to is mine which I forgot I even posted that.  I do remember doing some tests and that was obviously what I saw at the time.  Kontakt indeed seems to have issues with this.  I recently saw this behaviour in another plugin and started to think it might be a VE PRO problem.

    it has been sooooo long since I did my original test with Kontakt that maybe someone else can test an instance of Kontakt inside Cubase vs VE PRO to see what the results are.  I run a 128 buffer which is important as I know if you run a 256 or higher you might never see this behaviour.

  • I ran a very quick test and I am not sure if my statement about Kontakt inside Cubase or VE PRO stands true.  I just tried Kontakt inside VE PRO and inside Cubase 7.5.20.   I palyed a pad sound and had a tempo ramp constantly changing tempo.  Kontakt inside Cubase was fine until I turned Kontakt's delays on and then the delays sound like they are frying as they keep up with the tempo constant changes.   This is probably what I was hearing when I made the previous post.  Kontkat inside VE PRO is a little glitchy at my 128 buffer with 2 VE PRO buffers during the tempo change ramp.  Bumping it up to 4 buffers stablizes it and throwing on the Kontakt delays  creates the frying sound.  So barring the tempo delay FX issue during tempo changes I think Kontakt is probably ok inside Cubase.

    However......    most of my giant template is inside VE PRO.  I hear glitching at tempo changes on more than just Kontakt in my template.  I hear it happen on my piano from Addictave Keys and other plugins as well all hosted in VE PRO.  Now there is a fair amount of CPU load across these machines and it does appear that these tempo changes in Cubase cause CPU spikes on the VE PRO machines leading to the glitches.

    So......Kontakt definitely behaves better inside Cubase (my previous observation might have been related to the delays in Kontakt....I would have to go back and read my post).  I think this is more than JUST a Kontakt issue as I can see this problem happening on a machine that does not have any Kontakt's involved.   The common denominator looks more like this is a VE PRO issue in my opinion.

  • @dlp - no the repro I was referring to was my own.  3rd post down on the 4th page of this thread.  Entirely independent of VEP.  If you have Komplete it's easy to test.  I'd be interested in your results.

    tempo changes during host synced delays are always going to be an issue no matter the host / sampler and this is not the problem we are discussing.  Check my post and see how you get on


  • Cubase 5.5.3

    VE Pro 5.3.13240 [VST 3, x64]



    Tempo Sync'd Soundiron 'Angklung' in Kontakt, tempo ramp in Cubase; can't reproduce any CPU spike particularly and performance didn't suffer.

    I chose 'Angklung' as having a kind of involved sequencer. Here, three of its parameters are CC-controlled.
    I think I would look at things more specifically such as the particular Kontakt library ['LASS']  and versions of all of the above rather than go with simple correlations. I also see 'delays' as behaving specially...

  • What buffer are you at?    Try it with at least a minumum 128 sample buffer.

    I see you are on an older version of Cubase.....don't know if there is anything different with that vs 7.5.x


  • Guys, it doesn't happen with all instruments but only seems to with particularly complex ones.  Maybe it's to do with the degree of scripting but I'm unsure.  I chose 'Scarbee Clavinet - Full' for my repro because people are more likely to have NI Komplete rather than, say, Spitfire's Sable library for example.  I wanted the simplest repro possible and with only a single instrument than many are likely to have in their libraries.

    The point is, that those of us in film & tv that run huge templates are bound to have issues if Kontakt's 'ext' sync to host tempo is engaged.  Most do not because they don't have massive templates, or don't use tempo changes, or don't require Kontakt syncing to host tempo.  It's simple not an issue for most people which is why NI haven't address this bug after many years.