Hello VSL team! I did all the last updates for Mir Pro, VE 5 and VI Pro yesterday...
The problem I have is I hear crackles and pops when I play with my Oxygen M-Audio midi keyboard... I don't hear any crackles when I use the
VI Pro 2 virtual keyboard...
I tried with my EW library and other libraries with my midi keyboard and I don't hear any problem. It just do it with VSL libraries.
I tried Mir Pro stand alone, VI pro 2 stand alone, VE server in cubase, ect... There are pops and crackles with all of them...
I tried : - to connect my keyboard on different USB ports
- to change latency, in cubase, in Mir Pro, in my VSL22 audio usb card, ect
- to change preload buffer size
... But it still do the problem... Can you help me with this?
My configuration is : 3930k, 32 gb 2133, asus p9x79 pro, windows 7 pro.
Thank you for your time!