Well, I think some of these posts are just a little too self important if you ask me (to say the least). I think VSL is choosing the policy that is right for them, and that's fine by me. As for their products being outdated? (What?) I could have bought other libraries becuase I want proper divisi to work with but the trade off in flexibility and sound quality was just not worth it - I'll wait or go without. That's just strings, as for the rest - what on Earth are you talking about "dated" "expensive"??????
VSL, you've done so well, changed so many people's lives so much for the better with such truly future proof products - keep doing what you do best - we'll wait.
By the way, it doesn't hurt to read between the lines a little. If VSL was NEVER going to do another string library don't you think they would say "No string library for the forseeable future". The fact there is silence is telling in and of itself, yet non committal. And with people like some on this forum - I don't blame them! [:P] Afterall who wants to be caught between a deadline and some of you folks!