Update: VSL support have said that this will be fixed in the next patch. :)
Update2: I have updated the title of this forum post to better describe the intial problem that has been resolved. Hopefully this will also fix the problems you others are having with the Kontakt hanging and similar issues. If not, hopefully these problems have now come better to light with Karel from support reading these posts.
After a time, either one or both of the VEpro instances will hang. When i click on a button in their interface the whole window wil go white and a Not Responding message will show in the header of the window. Then it just hangs like this forever unless i close the window and end the prosess. This is kinda irritating because it defeats the purpose of using VEpro when i have to reload all the samples 2-3 times a day on 2 computers. This can happen at any time, either after a day or a few hours, either when im making music or when im away from the computer. I have had this problem since i bought VEpro 5, and it has not gotten better with updates, not worse either. I have tried running decoupled but it does not have any effect. I have turned off that hard drives can go to sleep in the power options on both computers. It works perfectly when it works, but im getting really tired having to wait 20 minutes to load samples every time each of the instances crash. No error message is given.
If i disconnect the VEpro instance in Cubase when it has hanged on the other computer, Cubase will hang as well.
Anyone have the same problem or any knowledge to what could be the problem on my end? I have heard that running Play before Kontakt or the other way around is better or worse, but can anyone confirm that they need to be in a special order before i use 3-4 days setting a new template? ^^
All drivers and programs updated.
Both computers running Windows 7 Pro 64bit.
Main Computer:
Cubase 6.5.1 (had the same problem with 6.5)
RME Babyface audio interface.
1x Vepro5 instance with Kontakt 4 and Play 3 instances, Fabfilter and Spaces effects added.
Using about 20GB RAM out of 24GB.
Core i7 950.
Slave Computer:
1x Vepro5 instance with Kontakt 4 and Play 3 instances, Fabfilter and Spaces added.
Using about 28GB RAM out of 32GB.
Core i5 2500k.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Sorry if the formating in this post is weird, this forum software is obviously very out of date and i have to use html brackets to make new lines ^^