to DG,
[:)] I think sometimes, due to the financial situation, especially at the beginning of the carreer, people commit to projects they don't "feel" and this may generate a lack of inspiration. In this case, it doesn't matter whether they write a piece in a few hours or in a few weeks, it's just not "inspired" [:(] . It would be the result of a "going for schemes". Do you like the Fine Arts and paintings? Take the "Adoration" by Masaccio for example... beautiful colors, shapes, shadows, perfect proportions in his characters... then take a look at the faces he portrayed... cold and distant as winter's weather... there is no "soul" in that painting even though it was meant to express a very warm and moving scene. That happened because it was not probably felt when painted [:'(] . Critics think Masaccio used perfect art schemes in his painting based on math proportions, but he could not hide that "lack".
I personally think I am lucky [:D] because my situation allows me to devote my self entirely to projects I deeply feel. And it gives me time to finish my works properly. I know so many people, like some frustrated teachers at Music Academies or Conservatories who, being compelled to teach to earn a living, "trasmit" their hate to students [:@] (future musicians/composers) just like a disease, making them run away from music [:'(] [:'(] . Music is a calling and I can't conceive it exclusively and purposly for the sake of my wallet. The day I can't write music with creativity, inspiration and full passion, I will quit and change job. Who knows, perhaps I could make it a good interprete or web designer. [:D] [8-)] [*-)]:
[:)] I think sometimes, due to the financial situation, especially at the beginning of the carreer, people commit to projects they don't "feel" and this may generate a lack of inspiration. In this case, it doesn't matter whether they write a piece in a few hours or in a few weeks, it's just not "inspired" [:(] . It would be the result of a "going for schemes". Do you like the Fine Arts and paintings? Take the "Adoration" by Masaccio for example... beautiful colors, shapes, shadows, perfect proportions in his characters... then take a look at the faces he portrayed... cold and distant as winter's weather... there is no "soul" in that painting even though it was meant to express a very warm and moving scene. That happened because it was not probably felt when painted [:'(] . Critics think Masaccio used perfect art schemes in his painting based on math proportions, but he could not hide that "lack".
I personally think I am lucky [:D] because my situation allows me to devote my self entirely to projects I deeply feel. And it gives me time to finish my works properly. I know so many people, like some frustrated teachers at Music Academies or Conservatories who, being compelled to teach to earn a living, "trasmit" their hate to students [:@] (future musicians/composers) just like a disease, making them run away from music [:'(] [:'(] . Music is a calling and I can't conceive it exclusively and purposly for the sake of my wallet. The day I can't write music with creativity, inspiration and full passion, I will quit and change job. Who knows, perhaps I could make it a good interprete or web designer. [:D] [8-)] [*-)]: