@Swanyce said:
just a question... talking about inspiration, I usually am inspired by night (sometimes I feel like I have a "bat" life!! [8-)] ). What about you? Do you write better in the day or in the night? [[:)]] Swanyce
Yes, well, thats a good point and a good question. Nitty gritty! [[:)]]
Night time has always been the best time for me, although if you have deadlines, then it becomes a moot point. However, you can create night time during the day, if this suits you. If I have to write something that involves pictures/images, I will spend quite a long time just looking at the screen, almost to the point of becoming trance-like. Then, I will probably have a drink. Then, I will probably have a kip. When I wake up, somehow I feel that my mind has absorped what I've been looking at, and if I'm lucky, things take shape on the keyboard (in my case) in a sort of automatic way. Too much thought and analysis needs to be controlled in my view. It can get in the way. My first port of call is 'sound' not 'notes'. After all, we're supposed to be artists. Slightly crazily, I have this romantic idea that sounds/samples are like a painters tubes of oils. Too many paint colours, and the picture becomes muddy. Same with sound.
Working at night is usually best for most musicians I would guess. It may have something to do with one's mental wave patterns at that time of the day. Dusk on a nice day is always calming. 'Sounds' always seem to sound better at night. Again, I don't really know why, and I have no wish to really analyze why to be honest.
On the other hand, it could just be because of the alchohol and drugs! [:D] [*-)] [[:|]]
Just kidding!
All the best