Always use VEPRO in "decoupled" mode in combination with Logic ( ... and I assume that's a good advice for Cubase , too ).
...well here lies the problem. It's extremely convenient for me to use it in "coupled" mode so that all my Play 3 sounds are tailored and edited specially for each track that I'm working on. Working with big preset templates that you can load directly into VE PRO is fine for orchestral-based productions but when you move into pop or hybrid productions it's more natural to get into heavy editing of sounds just for each track, in a way which will be tweaked many times while the track is in development. In this scenario it's much more convenient to have the Play 3 sounds load up via the host (Cubase for me), which is where this slow-load bug is coming from.
I do TRY to load in templates etc. directly into VE PRO where I can, but to do it consistently I'd have to commit myself to the creation of masses of VE PRO presets for each instrument, each piece of music and each version of each project and for me that's not worth the effort.
So, for my way of working this slow load bug is a pain in the butt.