@MS said:
This would be possible, but nothing we have planned.
bummer. Well, take it as Feature Request, then. Would make Multi-CPU-Environments even more workflowy.
As you already shed some light on how "Audio Input to Server" will work, would please shed some light on how "automation of plugs running in the server via the plugin client" will work? Will all Server plug automation parameters be available through the client plug? Or do you have to setup the server plugs and specifiy which automation parameters are forwarded to the client?
Maybe another Feature Request: What about a VE Pro specialized VNC client/server solution: The client provides a tree list of plugs used in the server. Clicking on a plug opens a VNC connection, opens the plug on the VEPro server, the VNC server serves this plugs window only, the VNC client opens a VNC client window to show the VNCed plugin window on the DAW, forwarding mouse/keyboard actions to the DAW and the VEPro server... Something like that.
Or like ReaMote (Reaper) works: you need to have the plug installed on the master AND the slave. Opening the remote processed plug on the master opens that plugs GUI without processing the plug, forwarding automation parameter changes to the plug on the slave...
Oh, and I found one "design flaw" while testing v4: I use Novations Automap. It creates a "plugin (Automap).dll" for a "plugin.dll", "wraps this plug" and intercepts GUIEditor open/close calls to remap physical MIDI controllers to plugs automation paramaters, whenever this plugs GUI is opened/closed. VEPro v4 works perfectly with Automap wrapped plugs.
However, the VEPro server only calls GUIEditor open ONCE, and leaves the GUIEditor open, even though the window isn't visible, when changing to another track for example. Changing back to the track with plugin does NOT call "GUIEditor open", and Automap doesn't have a chance to remap physical controllers. So working with Automap is quite cumbersome, as you can't just "make a plugs GUI visible" to automatically phyiscally control it, you have to navigate to this plug within the automap software manually instead.
I reported this back in time, but never got feedback.
Has this been changed with v5?
I guess, I should just wait for the demo, right? But then, with you educational discount offer, it would be a financial advantage to know it beforehand 😉
Thanks for your time! 😊