The Solo strings would still have uses. First, as a simple solo instrument for solo passages. Second, as a 'first chair' performer. The first chair performer adds to the realism in more than one way. a) the position of a first chair player, with the solo sound in that place... this makes it sound more real as this is your strongest performer and having this sound come through now and then adds to that realism. b) The 'sound coming through' part is especially true, but not just as a first chair. I use the cello and bass solo's all the time to have more dymanic change in a phrase. A little less unified, less in tune, looser timed- for a moment now and then where it adds to the performance or adds some imperfection.
This may sound a little redundant, it's hard to word how I view it from my own template. I have solo, chamber, orchestral, and app (what I own of them anyway) loaded at all times. I actually have everything I own from VSL loaded at all times. This way I can create the most fluid performance possible, the most controllable, and the most realistic.
Another support for the need of divisi... many of us do these things, BUT divisi would certainly save a LOT of time in this regard. Much less time for much more realism. The more I talk about it the more I can't wait! [:'(]