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  • Simon5413, gee I wonder why - maybe it's because we're discussin a PC issue, you are on a Mac...:)

  • I thought it was a mac thread. I think most of the replies have been from mac users.

    it works with no problem here still, no redundant loading, and it's pretty quick.

  • I don't see any mention of Mac. This happens on both my PC's - not my Mac.

  • I'm on Macs including the slaves.

    Just to be clear, the issue here is that when you load a Play 3 setup, that single setup is loading samples twice? 

    I have noticed a similar but different issue on Play 3. The first time I load up, all seems ok (although I am NOT specifically checking to see if things load twice. I have not been paying attention to this). BUT if I then remove a sound from Play 3 and replace with a new one, Play 3 reports memory shortage, and steals ALL the memory of my 24GB Mac. Play 3 is running a memory server of it's own, and this was also playing havoc wit the Kontakt 4 servers. I have removed Kontakt 4 servers for now as a work-around. Play't memory server is cannot be switched off as far as I can see. I am running Play 3 inside a 32 bit VEPro server at this time to also protect my Mac from memory implosion from Play 3.

    I am VERY suspicious of the quality of programming at EW btw. 


  • That's a different issue, Ben....

    The issue is not isolated to PLAY - all plugins load their data twice in Vienna Ensemble Pro since build 8008 I believe. At least I know it happens with Kontakt 4 + PLAY on PC. It doesn't result in greater memory usage, it is just annoying as a template with a lot of PLAY patches will take 50-100% longer to load than it should (if you have "background loading" turned on in Kontakt, it won't load the samples twice). I believe they (VSL) are looking in to it for the next build.

  • last edited
    last edited

    Hi everybody,

    The new version is available in your User Area!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Paul, and this version fixes the loading twice problem, I presume? Awesome! Thanks!

  • Hi Simon, 

    ehm, yes [:)]



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Indeed, it works now:)

  • Loading time is still terrible with PLAY v3.0.21 and the loading message window steals window focus every time a new sample is loaded. I hate PLAY with all my heart now.

  • Loading with PLAY is actually very fast here, but that is from SSD.

  • It's faster than before but still much slower than Play v2.1.2

  • I have seen a big increase in loading speed from PLAY 2 from PLAY 3. I still like Kontakt more as a player (also because of all the extra routing abilities, settings, lower memory footprint etc.), but I can't complain about PLAY 3's loading from SSD. My template can be up and running within a couple of minutes now.

  •  Thanks, Paul, this is great news.


  •  Yaaaay![:D] Seems a lot spiffier, too.


  • After some more testing I'm still having the same issues as before with my setup (details in my sig). I'm unsure if its specific instrument presets that cause it. I did a clean Play install just to be sure. Created brand new template - same thing. Anyone else with ProTools on Win7 having these issues?

  • Same here.. endless loading and if I touch the midi channel in play, it freezes..... 

  • I've noticed that some Play patches load lightning fast but some load either extremely slow or will halt to a stop. For example I'll make a ProTools session with 64-bit VEP server on another Win7 x64 machine and load any Bosendorfer grand patch. When reopening the session it'll load for ages and occasionally stop altogether. If, however, I try reopening a session with Yamaha C7 patch in it, it loads VERY fast.

  • When, on Mac, it starts to go slow, either you have bad memory stick, either you starts to use VM because you have a lack of physical memory !

    I don't know about Windows, this could be something to check

    Is the Bosendorfer patch much bigger than the C7 patch ?

    Can you look at memory occupation ?

  • Bosi is definitely larger, around x2 the size but Yamaha loads in ~ 5 seconds when Bosi can go for 5 min. When loading Bosi directly from Play interface it'll take around 10 sec but when loading previously saved ProTools session it'll either be super slow or get stuck. As I mentioned, some patches are OK and some aren't.