Do you mean decoupling projects and handling VE Pro separately as opposed to letting Cubase load them from an empty metaframe?@dagmarpiano said:
create a VE PRO template with the same sounds as your projects and load that manually into VE PRO before you load your main host project, it loads quickly.
kind of. you load the template metaframe as if it is to be a separate uncoupled template, but then you load the sounds which are part of the host project anyway, coupled. Therefore it loads the same sounds twice in different instances of PLAY - (a) the ones you first loaded, which are unconnected and unused, and (b) the instances you loaded while loading the host project.
this is fine because PLAY doesn't reload samples already used elsewhere, therefore the unused instances don't take up any extra memory, with the advantage that this problem is worked around.
alright, I follow you, but does it load but the one time as a metaframe or vi frame on the slave side? Is this a workaround for people that like coupling the seq. and VE Pro projects in other words. I always decouple which obviates many problems with loading.
I haven't loaded Play 3, tbh I don't trust the Play engine in VE Pro until I see others using it. Play 2 in VE Pro was a fiasco until finally EWQL fixed it (claiming all the while 'not our problem').
I too am interested in the progress of this issue (PLAY3 + VEP compatibility). I'm having big problems with Choirs and WB multis (stuck notes, severe unrecoverable cubase crashes) and updated to PLAY3 to see if that had been addressed. I should have read the forums first!
For my part, the loading of instruments in VEP with PLAY3 simply takes forever. I gave up after waiting 40min for my template to load and rolled back to the latest PLAY2
I have the same problem. Actually I think it loads them about 3-4 times here... But as described, it takes much shorter to load the 2nd, 3rd etc time because samples are already in memory. But it is an annoyance. This is with newest version of PLAY, newest Vienna Ens. Pro on a PC running Windows 7.
well, I finally tried it, loaded a couple of things from RA, which loaded but once and quick.
edit: OSX.6.8, VE Pro 4.8008, decoupled from Cubase.
I would personally avoid coupling an instance containing something reported as dodgy with the seq. host.
@Paul said:
Hello Jmichael,
can you give us a few more informations?
Who did you talk to at East West, and who did they contact at VSL? Also, which system is this happening on?
"His name is Jonathan Kranz. Here is the thread... I'm just using the demo so I thought it might be a problem with just the demo version, but other people seem to be having this problem as well. I'm excited to buy VE Pro cause it works great, except for this one issue. And the epic orchestra pack is an amazing deal! Legato flute...oh man."
Where are we on this problem? Any confirmation from either side?
I don't have any issue using Play 3.0.15 in VEP 64-bit v4.1.8008 standalone. I can load as much stuff as I want, and it doesn't load the samples more than once (even on re-opening of file). It's still kinda slow, but once stuff is loaded it's fine.
running 10.6.7 on 4,1 2.66GHz Octo macpro.
Simon5413, gee I wonder why - maybe it's because we're discussin a PC issue, you are on a Mac...:)