Can I load all samples of, say, EW Stormdrum II into one instance of Play and manipulate it via a matrix or rather set of matrices of my choosing, as with VI/VIP? If not, which seems to be my early experience, then Play blows. I'm not running 17 instances of the same sampler to make one small collection play, regardless of what else it may offer. If I had to load more than one instance of my Vi section, or Vi2 section, I'd feel the same way.
I love VI/VIP. Maybe the lack of human you speak of is more about being a human and writing, rather than relying on software to make it human. I only want playability. I'd never ask for more. You find it a nuisance to adjust between two notes? Have you ever played an instrument? That is often a huge journey, to make it repeatable, especially live. I don't want 128 tracks for 32 instruments. The rest is up to me. If you need to do it in software in the first place, you can't preach, that's how I see it. The rest, write it and let someone else deal with it, if someone ever buys it, if that's your goal. I'd rather write music, slowly, till it's me and I like it, without the constraints of someone's programming. If that wasn't true, I'd have bought EW for orchestral things, much cheaper if you don't mind sounding like Joe Blow, and then I'd be complaining about how crappy Play is; maybe it's good, but it's certainly not intuitive, which VSL software is. Who needs behind the scenes when everything is in front of you?