A big applause to Martin S. [:D]
I have expan my Orchestra, now I have most of the "New downloadable instruments"
I am loading on my Macpro 2010 12 core 2.93 GHz 24 GB with a Raid 0 of 4 x Sata III SSD:
- All the articulations of the Appassionata
- All the preset level 2 for Wind and Brass (except SAXes because I don't have enough memory left)
- All the percussions of SE PLUS
and this in 180 secs
Disk I/O are going up to 480 MB /s and are slow down because I don't have enough room on the Raid to put SE PLUS percussions
If I look to the activity monitor I have 1.71 GB free and the swap is using 376 KB
What is also very impressive is that only 0.5 % of 12 CPU is used (in total 65 %)
I am going to put on my 2008 Macpro 24 gb :
- All the preset level 2 for the Saxes
- The Strings of SE PLUS
- The "others" (piano ....)