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  • Have not read this whole thread, but will the new MIR Pro be compatible with MAC? thanks!

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    @caliopeapollo said:

    Have not read this whole thread, but will the new MIR Pro be compatible with MAC? thanks!

    In short: Yes. 😊

    You might be interested in this preliminary MIR Pro feature list: ->


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Perfect! Thank you Dietz!

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    @Dietz said:

    You might be interested in this preliminary MIR Pro feature list: ->


    Reading this list after a while again, I get the feel, with the old MIR we've had crappy stuff... 😊 Phew, these times will be over - hopefully _v e r y_ soon...😉 I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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    @doubleattack said:

    [...] Reading this list after a while again, I get the feel, with the old MIR we've had crappy stuff... :-)

    ... I know you well enough by now to be pretty sure that you're not serious about it, are you ...? 😊

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @doubleattack said:

    [...] Reading this list after a while again, I get the feel, with the old MIR we've had crappy stuff... :-)

    ... I know you well enough by now to be pretty sure that you're not serious about it, are you ...? 😊

    For shure, couldn't resist to make a joke about. To say it clear: I'm actually _very_ satisfied with the current version of MIR and didn't know what I could missing (exept the integration of audio-signals in a simple way of course) - until I've read this list of the upcoming MIR Pro. It's _so_ impressive and outstanding - I'm very curios specially about the second main mic, the automation including undo/redo, etc...Kind of a new era of music-production, seems to me.

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    @A871 said:

    hello Dietz, I was wondering if the current student discounts will also be available for mir pro. Or will mir pro be delayed another month because of the new discounts-month? all the best, Nils

    Sorry Nils - I somehow missed your questione (most likely because Paul was so fast with his answer 8-) ...)

    Believe me, we don't deliberately delay any release of any software, just to avoid a discount phase ... quite the contrary. If you plan to get MIR Pro, but still want to make use of the student discounts, I would suggest to get VE Pro4  and Vienna MIR for the reduced price now. Both products will be taken into account when upgrading to VE Pro 5 and MIR Pro.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    If you plan to get MIR Pro, but still want to make use of the student discounts, I would suggest to get VE Pro4  and Vienna MIR for the reduced price now. Both products will be taken into account when upgrading to VE Pro 5 and MIR Pro.

    Kind regards,


    Dietz, I've been asked this question by a few students, so it could be good to clarify that when buying MIR Pro, it is cheaper to:

    1. For existing VE Pro customers, buy regular MIR now, and upgrade both software when VEP5 and MIR Pro are released.
    2. For customers with neither, buy VEP4 and MIR now, and upgrade both software when VEP5 and MIR Pro are released


  •  Hi DG,

    everybody who has already a VE PRO and a MIR license will get MIR PRO for free.



  • Hmmmm. What if I have MIR SE.  Is it worth me upgrading to MIR Pro from SE,  and buying  VE Pro now using the teacher discount?

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    @herb said:

     Hi DG,

    everybody who has already a VE PRO and a MIR license will get MIR PRO for free.




    Thanks for the reply Herb. However, it is still not clear to me whether this means that buying VEP4 and MIR now means that both VEP5 and MIR Pro will be free.

    May I suggest that you (meaning VSL, not you presonally....!) create a new sticky thread, with all the possible options, including student discounts, so that when all the hundreds of questions get asked on this forum, we only have to point the OP to the link. It sure will save my typing fingers. [;)]


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    @herb said:

     Hi DG,

    everybody who has already a VE PRO and a MIR license will get MIR PRO for free.



    wwwoaohahoahhaaaaaa.. That's GREAAATT NEWS!!! [:D]

    Thank youuuuuuu!!! lol

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    @herb said:

     Hi DG,

    everybody who has already a VE PRO and a MIR license will get MIR PRO for free.



    WHOOAAAAAT ? ? WHOOAAAAAT ? ? Please pinch me to wake me up !! please pinch me again!! Am I still dreaming? Is it real? I can not believe this ! ! A free Mir Pro for VEP owner Thank you Herb,Thank you Herb,Thank you Herb !!! Wait a minute??!! Are you sure, ....really really sure ,Herb ? its not OctoberFool,right ? ? ? regards, Willy

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    @herb said:

     Hi DG,

    everybody who has already a VE PRO and a MIR license will get MIR PRO for free.

    But what about those with VE PRO and MIR SE????  Do we have to upgrade to the full MIR program now to get the Student/teacher discount, and then get our 'free' upgrade when the new product is released?  If so, how do I get the 'upgrade' price from MIR SE to MIR - the price does not show properly in the basket - just the full MIR price?

    Also - if I buy VE Pro now will I get the 'new' VE pro for 'free' too- you have only mentioned getting MIR free?  This just needs some clarification I think


  • Hi Willy,

    I hope you didn't missunderstood my psoting

    You will need a VE PRO & MIR license to get MIR PRO for free (including a free VE PRO 5 update).



  • Dietz, that is very good news.  Does this mean that the upgrade price from MIR SE > MIR, will remain the same for MIR SE > MIR Pro?

  • If MIR PRO has everything VEP5 does... then what's the point of having a separate product? I realize that some people don't want MIR (or can't afford it) and still want VEP5- but why would anyone buy both? Is there literaly no feature in VE5 that MIR PRO will not have? I'm just a bit confused on that point.


    P.S. While the MIR price has been voiced... ISH... any 'ish range' of what VE5 will be?

  • There is literally no feature in VE Pro that MIR Pro does not have - simply because MIR Pro is a mighty, additional application which happens to completely rely on VE Pro's capabilites for communication with the outside world. :-)

    Look at it that way: VE Pro is the host. MIR Pro is a big (very big) "meta-plugin" that can be instatiated inside this host exclusively. MIR Pro is no "separate product", but an additional one. An extension.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • WHEN???!!! :D

  • It depends how far the corner is [;)]

    Hopefully the corner is just around the corner.