Brass I dvd library discounts?
I have already purchased via download the horn section, trumpet secion, bass tuba, and trombone section. However, I only get a discount if I purchase the extended library? I really need this bundle, it has everything I need just in the standard library, as well as articulations that I really need as well. Is there anyway I can get a discount on the standard library? I can't afford it as it stands at 495. Cheers, Connor
I have wrote about this a few days ago
You have to review the discout you get when you own already articulations for an Instrument
In most the case the articulation you already own are in the DVD standard, so you pay the twice the articulation ;o(
It will much more attractive for your clients, and much more faithful, to put de reduction on the DVD of the instrument
If the instrument is in the standard you get deduction in the standard DVD, if it is in the extended you put the deduction on the extended DVD
This is business. Everyone is working like this, why should Vienna sell their products like a down-market option. Such products need creative and qualified manpower for development and processing. I support VSL's policy. It needs more input than just Soundssampling, e.g. Software development, updating processing, New development and so on...... And look at their products since 2005, big steps and unique ideas in handling Instrument player... This is what I expect from Vienna today and in the future...
Sorry, Cyril!
Not sure it is a good business.
It's marketing !
Either you look at the professionals that can pay 9000 euro to get the whole lib > this will be a few 1 000 clients or you look to 1 000 000 clients that will upgrade there lib Xmas after Xmas, contracts after contracts ..................
East West is very good with marketing ! VSL have improve but have to learn a lot more from them !
I agree with Cyril!
First i really like the possibility in starting small and then growing by time (but get some bonus for things i already purchased)
However if I have already download Flute and want to improve the flute sound the first upgrade (buying Full WW1) is 425€ (no discounts apply) and then the Extended (with discounts)
And it is even worse with Strings ....
Dear Cyril,
Please stop this mourning about VSL discounts. Maybe you are not able to buy the full library (discounted or not), but that doesn't mean that the company has made whatever wrong decision. Any company has the right to make any offer they want, that's life.
Just accept and leave the whole case. Why bother anyway? Wait for a better opportunity, if you can't, you always can join any competitor. So simple. If VSL would have made a wrong decision to promote their products this way, they will undoubtly more suffer than you.
As someone who owns some download instruments, I can't say the current upgrade policy gives me much motivation to take advantage. I definitely agree that having no discount at all on the base package feels like existing users are being punished by paying for the same samples again. Sure they are free to do whatever they want, but on the other hand users are free to do the same, including taking money elsewhere instead of upgrading.
Maybe look at it this way: the discounts provided by VSL to buyers of DL-instruments are not a free give-away but just a means to preserve you from paying twice. For example, if you have all DL-Woodwinds, then you have almost everything of the DVD-standard lib with the main difference lying in less velocity layers, and samples in whole-steps instead of chromatic ones. So, to get your hands on new articulations you would need to buy the extended lib, which doesn’t exist for DL-instruments. So, you have to buy the DVD standard+extended version, and you benefit from the discount that you get on the extended lib, dropping it’s price almost to zero. So, getting more articulations costs money anyway, but as you have to swich from DL to DVD instruments, VSL has found a way to let you pay only once for the std. articulations. Who cares, if the discount is officially put on std. or ext. library? In fact, in most cases the ex.lib. would cost more than the std.lib., so it is still some kind of a good deal. Only downside is, that you would’t benefit from the actual christmas offer, but what’s the point? If your DL-instrument purchases set the "your price" for your desired ext.lib actually to nearly zero, it’s christmas for you all the year!
Hi Erik
I am not mourning, just pointing out to VSL
I had SE Plus and Appassionata I and a few DL inst.
I just bought 99 % of the Downloadable Instruments taking profit the special offer of November (a part of it is my Xmas present and I am paying for the rest)
So now i am in the case of Mike !
If I want to increase my library, the next steps are at a minimum of 335 euro and I will get no discount of what I own !!!!
Looking at the prices, I just found a good one
I own Appassionata I, std and ext and I spend 750 euro
If I want to buy Appassionata II, std and ext it is 440 euro
If I want to buy Appassionata string bundle, std and ext it is 975 euro
Appassionata string bundle = Appassionata I + Appassionata IIBestCyril
In my opinion I can say that Vienna has the best instrument quality all over the world. I tested more than 10 companies including East West Project Sam and many more... It is a premium quality at all... Honestly I do not like the Appassionata strings because they sound a bit like phased out in some Velocity steps, but the Chambers and Orchestral Strings are amazing in playing and in sound.
The competitors EASTWEST or anything like sound always like a real sample factory, I tested their new Hollywood Strings and it still sounds like a normal sample box, not more and I have to pay for more than 1000 Euros... I thought they are joking. Play the samples completely dry and you know what I mean... Anyway.
Again, this is business, if you know that you have a very good product, then you create your own philosophy to reach people to buy their biggest boxes or DVD Libraries, so you share appetizers like SE and SE+, you guess that the people want more of this stuff and share new appetizers and release the Download instruments and discount options.
You can change to competitors or you pay the premium level that VSL is offering. This is your choice.
It is just my opinion, should not be yours...
I dont think we are critisizing the quality of VSL lib.
We are just saying that the upgrade step from Download instrument to DVD instrument is not faithful for there clients
If I want to upgrade from Download Instruments to DVD Woodwind 1 I have to pay 425 euro to get the standard lib and 105 euro for the extended
Look at the table, you dont get much more articulation for 425 euro !!!!!
I would not say it is not faithful ...
It's just natural that companies want to get as much money as they can, and customers want to pay as less as possible ;)
So I am happy for every discount, and I think overall VSL is doing a great job, with their product and also with their marketing. However not every limited offer is one I am going to purchase immidiately.
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