I admit I fit the stereotype of the "vague musician type" and I probably missed that in my excitement to press the purchase button. Bad move on my part but at least I've had some good months out of VEPro. But the wheels are starting to fall off now. I'm having to do all sorts of work arounds to keep working.
For example I can't get PTools to connect to any Metaframe other that "new". That just loads a new empty useless instance. Even if I open the instance that I want then PTools VEPro plug will not list it. So my work around is to save a channel set and open it in the "new" metaframe.
Also in the VEPro plug window in PTools there is never shown a "preserved" instance or the Slave computer name in those 2 white squares. Now that I think about it there never has been since I started using VEPro.
Tonight I was trying to trouble shoot all this and kept thinking about PPC not being supported and it finally dawned on me. The ship is sinking and I've already run up to the highest point and still the water keeps coming.
Ok I know what you're thinking I think. "If you're a pro muso just get over it and buy another computer.
There's a catch. My PTools cards are PCIX and won't fit in a new mac (PCI Express)
Exchanging cards would cost $5000 plus $3000 for a new computer.
Or by a chassis for $4000 (in Australia) and then a new computer $3000.
Ok I could just go ahead and do that BUT I know Digidesign have some new hardware coming any week now and everything I would have just bought will be obsolete.....again.
So I'm going to keep this sytem working somehow until Digidesign plays their hand. Then I'll jump.
Just thought I'd explain why I'm using a piece of junk as my host computer.