I agree that the epicentre of this trouble is Kontakt.
Not to be counter productive but in all honesty I remember that these long save times were prevelant when using Kontakt as a plug inside PTools years ago. I also remember people on the DUC complaining about it.
BUT despite the long save times they did not result in a crash. That is new.
Jeremy can you explain something to me?
I agree that the way to work if we are using large instruments in Kontakt is to de couple (surely other users are using big orchestral templates in Kontakt......no?).
For this to work then we need to save our Metaframes and Instrument files on our slaves. No problems there.
BUT how do you then get ProTools to connect to your saved metaframe?
For the life of me I can't do this.
Here is what I do…
I open VEPro by double clicking on the saved Metaframe that I want to open (mframe32). This opens the server and all the instrument channels.
I then open the VEP plug on the host from withing PTools and all that is listed when I hit connect is "new". The instance that I have sitting on my slave is not there to choose from in the list.
How do I connect to it?
I have to save the channel set and bring it into the "new" instance and when I do I can be sure that some of the chanell I/O have been messed up (but I'm not concerned about that).
I'm fine with de coupling and working that way .......because I have a hugh investment in Kontakt instruments, but I need to be able to connect my saved files with PTools.
Am I missing a simple process here or is this a part of the PPC "works but not supported" funkyness?