Trying to plan things in advance for when the new machines come out. I'm going to be getting a new 12 core Mac Pro, and load it up with maximum RAM (32 GB, or if OWC offers 8 GB 1333 sticks, maybe 48GB to maintain triple channel).
I'm going to be using this set-up with Logic 9 and two Metric Halo ULN-8s. My dream is to replace my current five computer set-up (Mac G5 2.5Ghz, PT Accel HD6 and four Pentium 4 PC slaves) with this one new computer. I'm thinking it's going to work, but if I need to, I'll add a second machine down the line.
Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what's going to be the most rational way to deal with hard drives. I have a huge amount of sample content (although I'm certainly not using all of it all the time). I have most everything that VSL has put out. Also have a lot of EW stuff. It seems to me that EW is pretty hot on RAIDed SSD's. I'm planning on incorporating some in my new system, but they're prohibitively expensive at this point. Also, I think I'd prefer the PCIe card SSD solutions, once the price comes down, and they become compatible with the Mac.
Anyway, at this point, I'm thinking of a RAIDed pair of SSDs as my system drive. I'll put some of my more used, more polyphony intensive libraries on this. Then, I'll also get two smaller SSDs as work drives (strangely, I don't use up that much space for music projects, and I archive and remove stuff when it's completed). Then, I think I'd like to get four external 600GB Velociraptors and hook them up via two SATA III 6G PCIe cards. Considering I have a mix of libraries, would it be wise to RAID these four drives, or maybe RAID them in pairs of two? Or, not use RAID at all? Also, what about port expansion enclosures? Any downside to them? Finally, I'm thinking I'll add an additional 2Tb FW800 drive for time machine.
Right now, from what I read, it looks like OWC has a big advantage in the SSD department. I wonder if it wouldn't be wiser to buy drives from Apple, though. I've heard that a TRIM function is on the way from Apple, but I'm concerned that it might not work with third party drives once it's implemented.
I'm excited about the whole SSD thing, but OTOH, I'm worried that it might not yet be the time to go overboard with it. I've got an SSD in my new MBP, though, and I really like it. Once you get used to an SSD, the though of all your data whirling around at high speed on platters suddenly seem antique. ;)
Anyway, I'd be interested in any thoughts regarding setting up a 12 core Mac Pro for intensive audio and sample use. That's pretty much all I'll be doing with this machine. Any video use will be very non-demanding.
Also, I'd appreciate any wisdom on SATA III 6G PCIe. Right now, I only seem to see two port 6G cards. A four port card would be nice.