Hi Paul,
I'm glad some kind of solution is being considered. Being able to save Performance Data would be the ideal way. Then you could implement a command in VEPro to apply a Performance Data Set to all selected VIs in a particular instance.
Simple copy and paste of Performance parameters would help too, but it's not quite as helpful. Since there are no menus in the VI interface it could perhaps be two buttons [copy] [paste] to the left of the [perform control] [map control] buttons? That way it would make sense what the buttons are for.
I agree that things get complicated with too many file formats. I think the key is making the nomenclature intuitive. Reading the manual to understand functions is more and more difficult the more unknown terms are used at the same time (you have to learn a new language before you can make sense of the sentences). If the terms are almost "self-explanitory" it reduces the learning curve a great deal.