Bad to hear that´s no solution for a customer but buying new licenses when the key is stolen.
These dongles for us are the same as the jewelry for women. But on the other hand - we indeed had a burglary and the burglars took some things which could be worth to sell.... but not the USB-keys. puuuuuh.... a blessing in disguise. How much worth is a license stored on a stolen computer?
In these days i set up the new computer. UAD and VSL is no problem. On another computer i also make a new setup. But beginning with the not working function for license transferring to adobe and so on it takes so much time and work - I would be glad if all software licenses would only be stored on a dongle!
But maybe Syncrosoft can think about a system in which the dongles can be disabled. Like credit cards. For the benefit of the legal customers I would agree to a solution like this: All dongles are registered. The registered dongle hast to be checked online each - for instance - 3 months. If it is anounced (registered) as lost or stolen, the licenses stored on the registered dongle can be used no longer. If the online check is not made, after 3 months the key can´t be used longer, too.
Therefor each user whose key is stolen or lost can report this to syncrosoft and then download the existing licenses on a new key. Without paying twice.
To prevent misusage there can be a further limit that maximal 3 times a key can be reported as lost.
Any reasons against this suggestion?