@muziksculp said:
So, does MIR actually help improve the actual timbre of the currently available VSL strings libraries ? (i.e. offer rich, natural, and warm strings timbre) ? I personally don't think so.
If VSL thinks that MIR is the ultimate solution to improve the current VSL strings, I would love to hear a few demos that prove that this is actually possible. So far I'm NOT convinced.
A friend of mine who's a professional classical player came to my home a week ago and told me that VSL+MIR is the most convincing orchestra mock-up tool till now.
In a world where somebody says that old LP are better than 24bit/98K digital recording, that is a big success for the Vienna Team.
If you don't like it, you may go for the real thing and nobody will argue with you. I think that every man prefer a beatiful girl instead of a video of her[8-|], even if is a 3D movie.