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  • If someone at Notion or VSL can do this for all the VSL DVD products I would buy Notion in a heart beat.

    I think it would be well worth your, Notion's, time to map the VSL content. There are a lot of SE users and many of them have 

    at least some of the other DVD collection(s).

    I have all the collections and it would take weeks to map the content. Time I don't have.


  • Hi DM33,

    Thanks for your post. Just a quick note to let you know that our plans are to continue expanding functionality with our VSL integration in the future.

    Lubo Astinov

  • That is great news and good to hear!


  •  Hi Lubo,

    I downloaded the  N3 demo, and like it very much, but it seems the demo works only on 32 bits , isn't it ? It work fine when I try the VSL Strings , but not as well when i replace the strings by Strings +, what can I do ?                                                                                                 

    Also I will install it on a computer that isn't connected to internet , should I send you the serial number to get the key ? It is a very impressive notation software , do you will develop it , for film scoring , aka , being able to synchronize with a video source ???

    Thank You

  • Hi Pro-Arte,

    Q: I downloaded the  N3 demo, and like it very much, but it seems the demo works only on 32 bits , isn't it ?

    A: Yes, NOTION3 is a 32bit application.

    Q: It work fine when I try the VSL Strings , but not as well when i replace the strings by Strings +, what can I do ?

    A: If you are using the Vienna Symphonic Library VST presets for the Strings,  they already include all of the articulations from both Standard, Extended and PLUS Standard and Extended libraries. In other words, you shouldn't need to substitute anything. I'm afraid I'm not quite sure I understand the problem correctly. When you launch NOTION and enter Score Setup, you should see the Vienna Symphonic Library group in the Instrument Entry Palette. From there you just enter your instrument (say Violins I) and it already includes the Plus articulations (try it by placing a trill on the violins, it will trigger the trill patch).Are you running into a different issue?

    Q: Also I will install it on a computer that isn't connected to internet , should I send you the serial number to get the key ?

    A: Just make sure you contact our tech support and they will guide you through the manual authorization process.

    Q:It is a very impressive notation software , do you will develop it , for film scoring , aka , being able to synchronize with a video source ???

    A: Thank you for your kind words. We will continue to expand functionality in NOTION for film scoring but I also wanted to point out that right now you can use ReWire to slave or host to a sequencer for any film scoring projects you are working on.

    Again, thanks and I hope that helps!

    Lubo Astinov

  • Thank You Lubo,

    In fact when I enter Violins I , there is only the basic violins library , not the VIOLINS +...So I try to put the + library instead of the basic one , but it doesn't works...

    Also , I am looking forward to have such wonderful notation software in its fully 64 bits functionnality, in 32 bits it restrain the use of my 12 GB of ram...

    Thank You for taking the time to write.

  • Pro-Arte,

    I still can't quite figure out what the problem is, since the preset should automatically load both PLUS and standard libraries. I think what would be best is if you were to create a score with Violins I as you see it and then save that score and e-mail it to me, so I can have a look.

    I'm sure we can figure this out, I just need to see what you're seeing.


    Lubo Astinov

  • Hello, Lubo.

    Wanted to send you and everyone a message to say how things are going for me with Notion SLE.

    Very nicely!

    I have had Finale since version 1, and have Sibelius 6.1.  But, Notion SLE is by far the easiest  notation program I've used to date that is allowing me to deal with using VSL, either VI or VE and VE Pro (32).

    I have had a composition I did in graduate school about 30 years ago that I've tried many times to get a good performance using VSL in my other notation programs.  Now, with Notion SLE I can see that I'll be able to actually finish the realization via my computer.  Very straight forward!

    Now, is it worth it to upgrade to Notion3?  There are other instruments I'd like to use in Notion, but I don't really need any of the sounds that come with Notion3.

    Also, sometimes, when I load VE Pro (32) the music font is not displaying correctly.  This happens when I load the VE Pro first, then open Notion SLE.  Should I open Notion first, then VE Pro?  The note heads have a V and W instead of note heads, but the stems show up.  Also, no articulations show.

    Thanks for a great and easy to use program!

  • Hi Dennis,

    Thank you for your kind words. rest assured we will continue to improve the integration with VSL in all future updates.

    As far as upgrading to NOTION3, if you plan on using multiple libraries and want to take advantage of the continously growing collection of VST presets, I'd say is certainly worth it. As an SLE user, or even just as a Sibelius and Finale user, you can upgrade for $99.

    About that missing fonts bug, yeah we've noticed that too recently on some Snow Leopard machines here. What we found is a possible solution is to use FontNuke to clear out your font cache. Try that and let me know if it helps.


    Lubo Astinov

  •  Hi Lubo I fixed It , everythings works fine now , my only regret is that isn't yet a 64 bits application, every tools I have are 64 bits applications, cause of the needs of more than 4 gigas to make the full orchestra working plus some synthetizers and of course convolution reverbs ... I really like Notion software, and be looking forward the next version.

  • Hello, Lubo.

    I've been working with Notation SLE and the Demo of Notation3 for a few days now.  This is how I've wished the other notation programs (Finale and Sibelius) would have worked for, DECADES!  But, they have never seen fit to really get things integrated so that I could easily make VSTi's work.  Now, Notion3 is getting me working with notation again!

    There are, as you know, still some issues with Snow Leopard, but I have been able to work around them effectively so far.  I feel confident that your company will bring Notation up to date with SL soon.

    I have purchase the upgrade to Notation 3, and it will arrive on the 19th.  That's about right for the Demo to run out, so I should be ok.

    Have you thought about integrating the Euphonix Eucon into Notation?  I'm using their MC Transport now, and would like to see this and the MC Mix work with Notion.

    Nevertheless, I'm pretty excited about Notion now, and will continue learning and working with this program and Vienna Instruments!

    BTW, it's been many years now, but I met and visited with the creator of Music Printer Plus, and Notion, Jack Jarret when he was on a sabatical from teaching, in Bellevue, WA.  He was developing his software for a company there, and I was interested in what he was up to with his programming ventures.  I always will remember him having a some PCs open, and unplugging and plugging in Hard Drives while the computer was running...a healthy disrespect!  Something I won't try, but it worked for him.


  • Hi dayadon,

    Thank you for yourkind words! Enjoy your NOTION software and like I've said we will continue to improve on our VSL support.

    Jack has retired for some time now, but yes, what you're describing sounds like him :)


    Lubo Astinov

  •  Is there Any way to use Mir with NotionSLE.

    Routing intruments to external ports instead of the usual vienna VST seems to overide the savant playback Prules associate with them. Is there a way to enforce for instance ViennaEnsemble_Pro Prules to a specific external Midi channel? So MIr could also recive the keyswitchs for the corresponding notation symboles?


  • last edited
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    @Yanick said:

     Is there Any way to use Mir with NotionSLE.

    Routing intruments to external ports instead of the usual vienna VST seems to overide the savant playback Prules associate with them. Is there a way to enforce for instance ViennaEnsemble_Pro Prules to a specific external Midi channel? So MIr could also recive the keyswitchs for the corresponding notation symboles?



     For other readers i<ve answer my own question.: Yes

    I've created a new Prules for <plugin id="1"> <!-- MIR ID --> (ID=1 getting trigger by my external midi A)

    As i write this I'm wondering if plugin id 1 to 4 covers the External midi A to D or if any external midi are flag ID 1. Must test.

    By the way, i've now edited my Notion vienna's .Prules to encompass Both my Vienna special edition and my various DVD collections, adding many new articulation like, Sffz , Slow, Medium and  fast legato (Having notion chosing what speed is appropriate depending on the note lengh before trigering it instead of After like with Vienna Speed controler).  If any one's curious to try it let me know. You'll also need my Notion vienna Preset to load these extra sample.


  • Hi Yanick,

    Actually you should not need to do even this. With NOTION SLE the internal MIDI ports are already configured to work with MIR. Nevertheless, thanks for being proactive and resourceful!


    Lubo Astinov

  • Hi Lubo, I have Notion 3.3 as well as SE, do I need to buy SLE version also in order to get the integration to VSL SE? Or are there some downloads for it someplace?

  • Hi Chris,

    If you already have NOTION3 you can do everything that SLE does. The presets for VSL SE are available for you in score setup and all the playback programming is already in. The .fxp's are found in your PluginData folder (let me know if you need help finding them).

    As long as you keep NOTION3 up to date with the latest updates you'll have everything SLE does and more.


    Lubo Astinov

  • Hi Lubo,

    I finally bought SLE , which works fine , but the only problem is with the download instruments , it is a really pity we do have to replace patch by patch instruments that are downloaded, we have to memorize first were are the patches from the downladed to replace with others instruments...Because the DL instruments have more articulations than the Special Edition  DVDs release , I noticed that the Notion presets for VSL doesn't start with staccato, but sustain instead [;)].

    Do we have to hope for a relese that includes the downloaded instruments ???

    Thank You

  • Hi Pro-Arte,

    Yes, we hope to have a release for the DVD Collections as well, infact we even put a "notify me" form on the SLE page here:

    We realize a lot of people are really interested in this and as far as I can tell it's a hot topic. NOTION SLE for VSL SE already is picking a lot of attention and we will continue to optimize and expand its compatibility!

    Unfortunately I can't give you an ETA at this point. But I will keep the members of this forum posted on any developments.


    Lubo Astinov

  • Hi Lubo,

    That 's really nice news...

    By the way, 

    do N3 / SLE already work with VE pro 64bit and will it work with

    the future VI & VE 64bit version (hope soon!) on Mac os x?


    More I'm working with N3 and SE, more I love your Tremendious software !

