I use sibelius, MIR and Audition on the same PC.
For you that would be much easier because of the i7!
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I use sibelius, MIR and Audition on the same PC.
For you that would be much easier because of the i7!
My difficulties getting Sibelius to communicate MIDI with MIR continue. I have sent an e-mail to VSL tech but copy it here in case any users are trying this as well and could help.
As I need MIR only at the end of the scoring process, I use this method:
1. assign Sibelius to the Vienna house settings so to have all the articolations working fine.
2. save the Sibelius file as a MIDI file with all the settings
3. play the MIDI file from a sequencer to MIR
Understood Sergino but I am trying to send the midi from Sib6 to MIR and that is not working and I am hoping someone can tell me how.
Hi Dietz,
thanks for looking in.
I have sonar 4 but it's not loaded at the moment and I have rarely used it.
I really want this thing to work with sibelius. I come from the classical composing side not the sequencing side.
Is it possible for Andi your in house sibelius supremo to try this out direct with Sibelius?
I'm surely not the only one in the VSL universe trying to work this way?
BTW love what MIRs doing - great sound and being able to move the player round visually is just the dogs +*&^%
Hello Dave!
I'm not in the office today and will take a look at it tomorrow. On first sight everything seems to be right, although I'm not sure about "11.Internal MIDI" in VI. Isn't it possible to select "1.Internal MIDI"?
It would be great, if you can try it with Sonar too, so that we can see if the problem is rather on the Sibelius or on the MIR side.
it may be something to do with Sibelius's audio interface. If MIR is using my m-audio 2496 the sound card does not then appear in the list of available audio interfaces in Sibelius.
I have tried the ASIO4ALL as the interface and a few others all with no joy. Perhaps it's something to do with that.
I've read about the sound card having to be "multi client" although
I'm not entirely sure what that means. Perhaps the M-audio 2496 is not
multi client and that might be the problem.
I'm floundering
yes I thought it was odd that the VI listed it as 11.internal midi but the audio options midi tab lists it as 1.internal midi (as does sibelius).
I'll try sonar (I'll get my more sequencer savvy son to help with that) but I really want to find a solution with Sib 6. (as of course will all the millions of other Sibelius/MIR user out there waiting with baited breath on this issue!!)
Thanks a lot for helping.
Sorted with the help of the tech guys. The combination of communication settings with Sibelius thru LoopBE into MIR can be a tad confusing for us humble classical guys. Still it works now and is sounding great. Off to have fun and see how far I can push this baby.
Hi DaveTubaKing!
Was looking to find answers to my MIR/Sibelius setup problems and cam across your thread...
I'm having similar problems linking Sibelius with MIR - almost identical in fact! http://community.vsl.co.at/forums/t/24882.aspx
Was there a simple (ho ho! [:)]) answer to your communication setup??
If it was too complicated not to worry - I'll get there in the end!
But if you could remember what you did and could enlighten me that would be terrific.
Best regards,
copied from the other thread
I have loopBe30 - I have 4 "ports after reboot" none of them are muted and the "Enable Shortcut Detection" is not ticked.
In MIR Audio/MIDI Preferences I have "ASIO: M-Audio Delta Asio" as active (I've just noticed you can choose the number of Mulitprocessing threads and have changed it from 2 to 8 to match my i7 extreme). MIDI is Internal MIDI 1-4 all ticked.
In Sibelius 6.1 the active device is Internal Midi sound set none (as I use individual patches). I then have however many channels i want and each channel has its relevant sound ID. In the Mixer each instrument is assigned to the relevant internal MIDI, Instrument ID and channel.
Then each VI channel number in MIR corresponds with the relvant instrument channel number in Sibelius.I think that's everything. Not sure if there's something in there that doesn't correspond with your set up. I do recall spending ages getting LoopBe to behave correctly - or rather learning how to set it up correctly
Hope that helps.
BTW once it works it is worth the wait and I'm having heaps of fun with it.