I have loopBe30 - I have 4 "ports after reboot" none of
them are muted and the "Enable Shortcut Detection" is not ticked.
In MIR Audio/MIDI Preferences I have "ASIO: M-Audio Delta Asio" as
active (I've just noticed you can choose the number of Mulitprocessing
threads and have changed it from 2 to 8 to match my i7 extreme). MIDI is
Internal MIDI 1-4 all ticked.
In Sibelius 6.1 the active device is Internal Midi sound set none (as
I use individual patches). I then have however many channels i want and
each channel has its relevant sound ID. In the Mixer each instrument is
assigned to the relevant internal MIDI, Instrument ID and channel.
Then each VI channel number in MIR corresponds with the relvant
instrument channel number in Sibelius.I think that's everything. Not
sure if there's something in there that doesn't correspond with your set
up. I do recall spending ages getting LoopBe to behave correctly - or
rather learning how to set it up correctly
Hope that helps.
BTW once it works it is worth the wait and I'm having heaps of fun with it.