Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Hello Paul and others,
    I'm brand-spankin' new to this forum and to the Vienna family, though I'm not new to sequencing and/or sample libraries.
    I just wanted to post up an issue I've been having with VE Pro 4.0.4604 if I may...actually this has occurred on all the versions I've had:
    I'm not sure if it's Logic 9 or VE Pro, but every once in a while I will open a new instance (or server window) on an instrument track in Logic, press "Connect" and I'll get a "beach ball" forever. I basically have to Force Quit Logic and VE Pro not only on my master, but on my slave computer as well.
    I'm curious if anyone else is having this problem? If not, maybe it could even be my network settings or something.

  • PLease see my post here:

    This is exactly the same problem I am having.  There is more detail on my post listed above.

  • Hello Paul 

    I have tried to include my configuration in my signature but it did not work see

    Can you fix that ?

    I have just update it and now it is :

    Macpro 3 ghz 8 core 16 GB + 3x 1 Tb MAC OS X 10.6
    Raid 0 for the VSL libraries made with Rocket Raid card and 6 x 36 gb raptor 10 000 rmp 
    + 1x160+ 1x250 GB  FW 800 Lacie + 2x26" Iiyama + Radeon 4870 + 2x24"Dell + Geforce 7300 GT

    Motu system including : PCI 424 + 24i + 2408 MKII + 1296 + 2408 MKIII (84 ins 64 outs)
    Logic Control + 4 x Logic Control XT
    Midi interfaces :  USB EMAGIC AMT 8

    Logic Studio 3, Vienna Special Edition PLUS, Vienna Appassionata Strings, QLSO Platinum, Atmosphere, Kontakt 3.5, Symphonic Orchestra, Symphonic Choir, 
    Final Cut Studio
    Sony Digital Camera, JVC HD Camera

    I have last Motu drivers all my Apple software is updated



    P.S. I have read another post recently of another person having the same problem

    in the Directory Manager my raid 0 is called "VSL RAID 4" (it was 1 a few days ago) instead to be called "VSL RAID" 

    Do you want I send you screen copy

  • last edited
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    Hi Cyril,

    I think your signature is too long, I´d cut it down to:

    MacPro 3GHz 8 core, 16 GB RAM

    Logic Studio 3, PCI 424+24i+2408MKII+1296+2408 MKII

    We are looking at all problems reported in our forums, of course.

    @Cyril said:

    in the Directory Manager my raid 0 is called "VSL RAID 4" (it was 1 a few days ago) instead to be called "VSL RAID" 

    I´m a bit confused. What does "(it was 1 a few days ago)" mean? Yes, screenshots will be helful, one after you have just assigned the folder in the DM, then one after a restart, where it is renamed. A screenshot of your Finder will also be helpful!



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • I experienced some crashes on win 7 x64 pro:

    Adding a folder/path to the VST preferences of the server and initiating a rescan of all directories crashed the server. After a restart everything was working. This happened several times.

    Installation creates two folders for saving project files / metaframes - Is that intended? It seems to me that 32 and 64 bit projekts are saved in the same folder and the other one stays empty.

    Saved project files appear as selectable files in win 7 start menue when choosing vpro server 64 bit (no files appear with the 32bit server, though). When I choose one of the files. I get an error message that my midi config is missing. This doesn't happen when I start the server only before opening project files.

    Whlie the channel colours are nice they do not appear in the colour palette. When vpro chooses a e.g. "pink" it is litterally impossible to create the same one after adding another channel/track. You have to "mix" it first. So please add some default special colours that can quickly be selected with a mouse click.

  • For the channel colors: There's an "Add to Custom Colors" button in the channel color dialog. This allows you to store a channels color and apply it to another channel.

  • Hi Paul

    Thanks for your answer.

    I have tried only the 2 lines :

    MacPro 3GHz 8 core, 16 GB RAM

    Logic Studio 3, PCI 424+24i+2408MKII+1296+2408 MKII

    It does not work

    For : > in the Directory Manager my raid 0 is called "VSL RAID 4" (it was 1 a few days ago) instead to be called "VSL RAID"

    When I started to use my raid, in directory manager the raid was called "VSL RAID 1" and it went to "VSL RAID 2".....

    This problem look like it is a general problem on my MAC[:@]

    Final Cut Pro had the same problem yesterday[:@]

    I have repaired the permissions and this morning it is loading OK[:D]

    Let's keep our finger crossed [:)]




  • Hi

    I'm still experiencing an already reported problem, but I haven't heard a lot about it recently,
    so i'm not sure if it is working now for the majority of the people.

    I tried LASS in ViennaEnsemble Pro (right now with the latest public beta update).
    It's still not usable. Still get the hanging notes, drop outs, and cc1 anomalies.
    As a workaround, I'm using LASS in Bidule now.
    It's a little bit better but I experience all the same issues there as well.

    I really need a fix for this as soon as possible. I don't know if it is a Kontakt or a LASS problem,
    but I only get these issues with LASS (as it is so "script intensive"?!)

    It would be much appreciated if the people of Native Instruments, Audiobro and VSL could
    work together on this! It would be so great, if LASS would work in VE Pro !

    Thanks a lot!

    Mac Pro 2 x 2,93 GHz, 16GB Ram, 
    OS 10.6.1
    Logic 9.0.2, Kontakt 3.5, 
    Vienna Ensemble PRO PUBLIC BETA (OS X 10.5 Intel+PPC, 32+64bit) build 4604

    Mac G5 PPC
    OS 10.5.8
    Kontakt 3.5
    Vienna Ensemble PRO PUBLIC BETA (OS X 10.5 Intel+PPC, 32+64bit) build 4604

  • last edited
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    Hello Cyril,

    @Cyril said:

    I have tried only the 2 lines :

    MacPro 3GHz 8 core, 16 GB RAM

    Logic Studio 3, PCI 424+24i+2408MKII+1296+2408 MKII

    It does not work

    Just tried, and works great (see my signature).



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Hello Paul

    It is very strange that it is working for you and not for me

    When I want to update my signature I go in User area > profile > community

    I paste the two lines

    Click on save

    And I return to Company > News> product new

    May be my profile  is damaged, can you have a look ?



  • two things i hoped for are still not there:

    a deconnect function in the server window. (today logic crashed after working 1h - I guess because of Play in Logic. then I had the problem that VE didnt see Logic crashing and everything was still connected so I couldnt reconnect it to logic. I had to reboot the machine - took 1/2 hour[:@]) pleeeaaase take care for that problem!!!!

    the other thing is that i would like to able to drag and drop viframes into the server window. it was working with single viframes before and i asked to do it with multiple viframes - not it doesnt work at all.[:)]


  • I am having these issues as well.  Both features would be great.

  • I'm having issues with a PPC Dual 2.7GHz G5 (4Gb RAM, OS 10.5.8) slave not loading a number of Native Instruments plugs. Absynth, Akoustik Piano, B4, Battery, Elektrik Piano, Pro 53, any number of Kompakt Player instruments.....they all cause VEP (either server or standalone) to crash. Oddly enough, Kontakt 3.5 works, as do FM8 & Massive. Sometimes I get an error message, other times just a blank space where the plug GUI should load.

  • Hi DanJo and dlpmusic,

    we´ll do our best to add the features, but it´s not as easy as it seems ("just add a button..."). The same is true for the drag and drop of viframes, there akways needs to be quite some logic implemented behind these features.

    As you know, our development team is obsessed with perfection and they´ll do their best to improve VE PRO, it´s just a matter of time.

    I´m also sorry that your sequencers crash that regularily, I have to say that this happens to me maybe twice a year (and of course when I´m doing some live presentation - murphy´s law..... and the worst part: It´s always my fault).

    We´ll see what we can do!



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Hi Paul,
    I'm still not able to have multiple outputs in G-Player with the 4.0.4604 version.
    Also, I had posted earlier how when I open the VE Pro window in Logic to connect to the server and hit "connect" it will freeze Logic and all my VE Pros running.

  • One more thing: I do not want to sound ungrateful. I think what you guys have done with V.E. Pro is amazing and a huge step up in all audio production. I'm just trying to help by asking about issues I've found. Thanks!

  • Hi Jack,

    thanks! What would help tremendously is a link to the different places where you have posted your last findings - saves us quite some time. And if we can find all details there (OS, versions, procedure, crashlogs...), it´s perfect.

    So far, you are the only one who gets a crash in Logic when clicking "Connect", that´s the funny thing. Maybe this is a "one-man-bug".

    I´m not sure, did you send a crashreport to support [at] vsl [dot] co [dot] at already?



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Hi Paul,
    I haven't sent a crash report but I will (I'm still a youngster with Vienna and didn't know where or how to do that); and where would I upload my computer information and/or other findings? Next time I get a crash I will send the report.

  • Hi Jack,

    the best way to add the crash report is to send a mail to our support team. To have it available in the forum, you´d need to post a link to an uploaded crash report.



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Error with Reaper 3.131pre4 OSX.

    Inserting VePro AUi results in message box with the following:

    "Build Routing Errors."
    "Could not get channel infos for effects (are they multichannel?)"

    VePro VSTi works in Reaper.