Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what does "public beta" mean for VSL? From what I understand Beta is when its not an "official" release yet, but users are able to download it to report any bugs that will be fixed on the official release. Is this true with how VSL runs public betas? If so, will users be notified when the release is no longer "public beta?"
Also, I know PPC macs are not officially supported, so I'm always weary about updating to new versions when the current version is working well enough to use. If/when that time comes that PPC's no longer work at all with VE pro, is it possible that this information will be in the release notes so we know not to install it?
Thanks again VSL team for being so receptive with VE Pro. Its a MONSTER of a program that will truly revolutionize the way we work with sample libraries! I know it must be a lot of effort making sure its compatible with all sorts of 3rd party / computer OS's, and I for one just want to say how much I appreciate the extra work! In fact, I've been telling all my composer friends about VE pro, many of which have now made it their first VSL purchase!